Year 2023
Tukdam and TGD (5.3. 2023) |
Year 2021 The emergence of twistors from M8-H duality(27.10. 2021).Adelic physics and quantum measurement theory(26.10. 2021).Braids, anyons, and Galois groups(26.10. 2021).Uncertainty Principle and M8-H duality (26.10. 2021).Galois confinement (25.10. 2021).TGD as it is towards end of 2021 (11.9. 2021).About TGD counterparts of twistor amplitudes (31.12. 2021). |
Year 2020 What next in TGD? (16.7. 2020).Fermionic variant of M8-H duality (8.7. 2020).Some new results in M8-H duality(1.6. 2020).About p-adic length scale hypothesis and dark matter hierarchy (28.5. 2020). |
Year 2013 Scattering amplitudes in positive Grassmannian: TGD perspective(21.9. 2013).A little comment about the hierarchy of Planck constants(17.9. 2013).What could 4-fermion twistor amplitudes look like?(5.9. 2013).About the SUSY generated by covariantly constant right-handed neutrinos(3.9. 2013).Some fresh ideas about twistorialization of TGD(21.8. 2013).Still about non-planar twistor diagrams(21.2. 2013). |