As a side product emerges a deeper understanding of ZEO based quantum measurement theory and consciousness theory. 4-D space-time surfaces correspond to roots of octonionic polynomials P(o) with real coefficients corresponding to the vanishing of the real or imaginary part of P(o).
These polynomials however allow universal roots, which are not 4-D but analogs of 6-D branes and having topology of S6. Their M4 projections are time =constant snapshots t= rn,rM≤ rn 3-balls of M4 light-cone (rn is root of P(x)). At each point the ball there is a sphere S3 shrinking to a point about boundaries of the 3-ball.
What suggests itself is following "braney" picture. 4-D space-time surfaces intersect the 6-spheres at 2-D surfaces identifiable as partonic 2-surfaces serving as generalized vertices at which 4-D space-time surfaces representing particle orbits meet along their ends. Partonic 2-surfacew would define the space-time regions at which one can pose analogs of boundary values fixing the space-time surface by preferred extremal property. This would realize strong form of holography (SH): 3-D holography is implied already by ZEO.
This picture forces to consider a modification of the recent view about ZEO based theory of consciousness. Should one replace causal diamond (CD) with light-cone, which can be however either future or past directed. "Big" state function reductions (BSR) meaning the death and re-incarnation of self with opposite arrow of time could be still present. An attractive interpretation for the moments t=rn would be as moments assignable to "small" state function reductions (SSR) identifiable as "weak" measurements giving rise to to sensory input of conscious entity in ZEO based theory of consciousness. One might say that conscious entity becomes gradually conscious about its roots in increasing order. The famous question "What it feels to be a bat" would reduce to "What it feels to be a polynomial?"! One must be however very cautious here.
See the chapter TGD view about McKay Correspondence, ADE Hierarchy, Inclusions of Hyperfinite Factors, M8-H Duality, SUSY, and Twistors or the article New Aspects of M8-H Duality.