Dark matter hierarchy corresponds to a hierarchy of quantum critical systems in modular degrees of freedom

Dark matter hierarchy corresponds to a hierarchy of conformal symmetries Zn of partonic 2-surfaces with genus g≥ 1 such that factors of n define subgroups of conformal symmetries of Zn. By the decomposition Zn=∏p|n Zp, where p|n tells that p divides n, this hierarchy corresponds to an hierarchy of increasingly quantum critical systems in modular degrees of freedom. For a given prime p one has a sub-hierarchy Zp, Zp2=Zp× Zp, etc... such that the moduli at n+1:th level are contained by n:th level. In the similar manner the moduli of Zn are sub-moduli for each prime factor of n. This mapping of integers to quantum critical systems conforms nicely with the general vision that biological evolution corresponds to the increase of quantum criticality as Planck constant increases.

The group of conformal symmetries could be also non-commutative discrete group having Zn as a subgroup. This inspires a very shortlived conjecture that only the discrete subgroups of SU(2) allowed by Jones inclusions are possible as conformal symmetries of Riemann surfaces having g≥ 1. Besides Zn one could have tedrahedral and icosahedral groups plus cyclic group Z2n with reflection added but not Z2n+1 nor the symmetry group of cube. The conjecture is wrong. Consider the orbit of the subgroup of rotational group on standard sphere of E3, put a handle at one of the orbits such that it is invariant under rotations around the axis going through the point, and apply the elements of subgroup. You obtain Riemann surface having the subgroup as its isometries. Hence all subgroups of SU(2) can act as conformal symmetries.

The number theoretically simple ruler-and-compass integers having as factors only first powers of Fermat primes and power of 2 would define a physically preferred sub-hierarchy of quantum criticality for which subsequent levels would correspond to powers of 2: a connection with p-adic length scale hypothesis suggests itself.

Spherical topology is exceptional since in this case the space of conformal moduli is trivial and conformal symmetries correspond to the entire SL(2,C). This would suggest that only the fermions of lowest generation corresponding to the spherical topology are maximally quantum critical. This brings in mind Jones inclusions for which the defining subgroup equals to SU(2) and Jones index equals to M/N =4. In this case all discrete subgroups of SU(2) label the inclusions. These inclusions would correspond to fiber space CP2→ CP2/U(2) consisting of geodesic spheres of CP2. In this case the discrete subgroup might correspond to a selection of a subgroup of SU(2)subset SU(3) acting non-trivially on the geodesic sphere. Cosmic strings X2× Y2 subset M4×CP2 having geodesic spheres of CP2 as their ends could correspond to this phase dominating the very early cosmology.

For more details see the chapter Construction of Elementary Particle Vacuum Functionals.