Recent View about Kähler Geometry and Spin Structure of "World of Classical Worlds

The construction of Kähler geometry of WCW ("world of classical worlds") is fundamental to TGD program. I ended up with the idea about physics as WCW geometry around 1985 and made a breakthrough around 1990, when I realized that Kähler function for WCW could correspond to Kähler action for its preferred extremals defining the analogs of Bohr orbits so that classical theory with Bohr rules would become an exact part of quantum theory and path integral would be replaced with genuine integral over WCW. The motivating construction was that for loop spaces leading to a unique Kähler geometry. The geometry for the space of 3-D objects is even more complex than that for loops and the vision still is that the geometry of WCW is unique from the mere existence of Riemann connection.

The basic idea is that WCW is union of symmetric spaces G/H labelled by zero modes which do not contribute to the WCW metric. There have been many open questions and it seems the details of the earlier approach must be modified at the level of detailed identifications and interpretations. What is satisfying that the overall coherence of the picture has increased dramatically and connections with string model and applications of TGD as WCW geometry to particle physics are now very concrete.

  1. A longstanding question has been whether one could assign Equivalence Principle (EP) with the coset representation formed by the super-Virasoro representation assigned to G and H in such a manner that the four- momenta associated with the representations and identified as inertial and gravitational four-momenta would be identical. This does not seem to be the case. The recent view will be that EP reduces to the view that the classical four- momentum associated with Kähler action is equivalent with that assignable to modified Dirac action supersymmetrically related to Kähler action: quantum classical correspondence (QCC) would be in question. Also strong form of general coordinate invariance implying strong form of holography in turn implying that the super-symplectic representations assignable to space-like and light-like 3-surfaces are equivalent could imply EP with gravitational and inertial four-momenta assigned to these two representations.
  2. The detailed identification of groups G and H and corresponding algebras has been a longstanding problem. Symplectic algebra associated with δM4+/-× CP2 (δM4+/- is light-cone boundary - or more precisely, with the boundary of causal diamond (CD) defined as Cartesian product of CP2 with intersection of future and past direct light cones of M4 has Kac-Moody type structure with light-like radial coordinate replacing complex coordinate z. Virasoro algebra would correspond to radial diffeomorphisms.

    I have also introduced Kac-Moody algebra assigned to the isometries and localized with respect to internal coordinates of the light-like 3-surfaces at which the signature of the induced metric changes from Minkowskian to Euclidian and which serve as natural correlates for elementary particles (in very general sense!). This kind of localization by force could be however argued to be rather ad hoc as opposed to the inherent localization of the symplectic algebra containing the symplectic algebra of isometries as sub-algebra. It turns out that one obtains direct sum of representations of symplectic algebra and Kac-Moody algebra of isometries naturally as required by the success of p-adic mass calculations.

  3. The dynamics of Kähler action is not visible in the earlier construction. The construction also expressed WCW Hamiltonians as 2-D integrals over partonic 2-surfaces. Although strong form of general coordinate invariance (GCI) implies strong form of holography meaning that partonic 2-surfaces and their 4-D tangent space data should code for quantum physics, this kind of outcome seems too strong. The progress in the understanding of the solutions of modified Dirac equation led however to the conclusion that spinor modes other than right-handed neutrino are localized at string world sheets with strings connecting different partonic 2-surfaces.

    This leads to a modification of earlier construction in which WCW super-Hamiltonians were essentially 2-D flux integrals. Now they are 2-D flux integrals with super-Hamiltonian replaced Noether super charged for the deformations in G and obtained by integrating over string at each point of partonic 2-surface. Each spinor mode gives rise to super current and the modes of right-handed neutrino and other fermions differ in an essential manner. Right-handed neutrino would correspond to symplectic algebra and other modes to the Kac-Moody algebra and one obtains the crucial 5 tensor factors of Super Virasoro required by p-adic mass calculations.

    The matrix elements of WCW metric between Killing vectors are expressible as anticommutators of super-Hamiltonians identifiable as contractions of WCW gamma matrices with these vectors and give Poisson brackets of corresponding Hamiltonians. The anti-commutation relates of induced spinor fields are dictated by this condition. Everything is 3-dimensional although one expects that symplectic transformations localized within interior of X3 act as gauge symmetries so that in this sense effective 2-dimensionality is achieved. The components of WCW metric are labelled by standard model quantum numbers so that the connection with physics is extremely intimate.

  4. An open question in the earlier visions was whether finite measurement resolution is realized as discretization at the level of fundamental dynamics. This would mean that only certain string world sheets from the slicing by string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces are possible. The requirement that anti-commutations are consistent suggests that string world sheets correspond to surfaces for which Kähler magnetic field is constant along string in well defined sense (Jμνεμνg1/2 remains constant along string). It however turns that by a suitable choice of coordinates of 3-surface one can guarantee that this quantity is constant so that no additional constraint results.
See the new chapter Recent View about Kähler Geometry and Spin Structure of "World of Classical Worlds or the article with the same title.