Can one apply Occam's razor as a general purpose debunking argument to TGD?

Occarm's razor have been used to debunk TGD. The following arguments provide the information needed by the reader to decide himself. Considerations at three levels.

The level of "world of classical worlds" (WCW) defined by the space of 3-surfaces endowed with Kählerstructure and spinor structure and with the identification of WCW space spinor fields as quantum states of the Universe: this is nothing but Einstein's geometrization program applied to quantum theory. Second level is space-time level.

Space-time surfaces correspond to preferred extremals of Kähler action in M4× CP2. The number of field like variables is 4 corresponding to 4 dynamically independent imbedding space coordinates. Classical gauge fields and gravitational field emerge from the dynamics of 4-surfaces. Strong form of holography reduces this dynamics to the data given at string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces and preferred extremals are minimal surface extremals ofKähler action so that the classical dynamics in space-time interior does not depend on coupling constants at all which are visible via boundary conditions only. Continuous coupling constant evolution is replaced with a sequence of phase transitions between phases labelled by critical values of coupling constants: loop corrections vanish in given phase. Induced spinor fields are localized at string world sheets to guarantee well-definedness of em charge.

At imbedding space level the modes of imbedding space spinor fields define ground states of super-symplectic representations and appear in QFT-GRT limit. GRT involves post-Newtonian approximation involving the notion of gravitational force. In TGD framework the Newtonian force correspond to a genuine force at imbedding space level.

For background see the chapter Can one apply Occam's razor as a general purpose debunking argument to TGD?.