Crying and screaming cells and magnetic bodies expressing their emotions

By using nanotechnological methods James Gimzewski [3], his student Andrew Pelling and collaborators discovered that the cell walls of bacterium Saccharomyces cerevisiae perform periodic motion with amplitude about 3 nm in the frequency range .8-1.6 kHz (one octave) [2]. Or more concretely, bacteria produce sounds audible to humans with average frequency of 1 kHz in a range of one octave. The frequency has strong temperature dependence, which suggests a metabolic mechanism. From the temperature dependence one deduces the activation energy to be 58 kJ/mol, which is consistent with the cell's metabolism involving molecular motors such as kinesin, dynein, and myosin. The magnitude of the forces observed (10 nN) suggests concerted nanomechanical activity is operative in the cell.

From less formal popular "/public_html/articles/ [4] one can learn that it is difficult to avoid the impression that intelligent communication is in question. Dying cells produce a characteristic screaming sound. One can also distinguish between normal cells and cancel cells on basis of the sound they produces as well as between mammalian and bacterial cells.

What might be the explanation of these findings in TGD framework?

  1. It is known that the region of frequencies audible to human ear is from about 20 Hz to 2×104 Hz. This is more or less same as the range of frequency range of sferics, the em noise in atmosphere [5]. This suggests a strong coupling between electromagnetic oscillations and sound as also the fact that biological structures are piezo-electrets transforming em oscillations to sounds and vice versa.

  2. The activation energy per mole corresponds to .6 eV per molecule which is at the upper range for the variation range the energy associated with the fundamental metabolic energy quantum identified as the change of zero point kinetic as proton is transferred from atomic space-time sheet to much larger space-time sheet or vice versa.That metabolic energy is needed to produce the sounds supports the view that the sounds are produced intentionally.

  3. If one takes seriously the notion of magnetic body as intentional agent controlling biological body [1], one is led to ask which must sound a totally crazy question in reductionistic ears: could magnetic body express its emotions in terms of frequencies of cyclotron transitions transformed to sound via genetic expression using piezo-electric mechanism? Could it be that the photons involved are dark photons with large value of Planck constant so that their energy is above thermal energy. Could one ask a materialistic scientist to consider anything more irritating that singing and crying magnetic bodies!

  4. Suppose that the homeopathic mechanism is based on replication of pseudomolecules with same magnetic body as that of solvent molecules and that neutral dark nuclear strings realize analogs of DNA, RNA, and aminoacids and realizing genetic code exactly in its vertebrate nuclear form and appearing also in the TGD based model of cold fusion and biological transmutations. If so, then homeopathic mechanism (recognition of molecules) could involve also the transformation of cyclotron radiation to sound at the level of "biological bodies" of molecules.

  5. If this picture makes sense then also our speech as a self expression of the magnetic body might involve genetic code mapping sequences of DNA codons to temporal patterns of cyclotron radiation in turn transformed to speech by above mechanism. This would require a realization of genetic code at level of dark matter: could it be that dark nuclear code could define universal quantum level realization of language? The findings of Peter Gariaev and others and structural resemblance of intronic portion of genome with language and their report that DNA sequences are coded to temporal patterns of the rotation angle of the polarization of laser light (in turn inducing genetic expression).


[1] The chapter The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer of "Genes and Memes".

[2] Pelling et al (2004), Local Nanomechanical Motion of the Cell Wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Science 20 August: Vol. 305. no. 5687, pp. 1147 - 1150.
[] [3] James Gimzewski.
[4] A. Goho (2004), Rattle and Hum: molecular machinery makes yeast cells purr. Science News, August 21.
M. Wheeler, (2004) Signal Dicovery?, Smithsonian Magazine. March issue.
M. Wertheim (2003), Bucky Balls and Screeming Cells:the amazing miniature world of UCLA chemist Jim Gimzewski, LAWeekly, April 4-10.
[5] A. Saleh (2001), Capturing the Earth's songs. ABC Science Online.

Fore more details the chapter Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-time.