Suppose that solid-liquid solid-vapour critical curves correspond to quantum criticality. Could some kind of life forms be associated with these quantum criticalities?
- Snowflakes (see this) are amazingly ordered structures and appear in freezing and direct solidification of water vapour. Snow flakes do not have metabolism. Could snowflakes be "corpses" of life forms emerging at quantum criticality?
The experiments of Masaru Emoto, discussed from the TGD point of view here, demonstrate that if water at freezing point is subject to sound signals, it generates freezing patterns, which can be extremely beautiful or ugly depending on the emotional content than human would associate to the signal. Emoto suggests an interpretation in terms of expression of emotions generated by the sounds.
- In the TGD framework, a model of harmony leads to a model of genetic code (see this and this). Genetic codons would consist of 6-bit codons realized also as 3-chords represented by 3 dark photons and by dark 3-proton states. The harmony is defined by 3 icosahedral Hamiltonian cycles, each representing a 12-note scale, plus the unique tetrahedral Hamiltonian cycle. The 3-chords define a bioharmony with 64-chords realized as dark photon triplets. Since ordinary harmony of music induces and expresses emotions, the proposal is that a given bioharmony defines an analog of mood already at the level of basic information molecules.
- Could a dark realization of the genetic code be involved with the criticality of water and explain the high information content of snowflakes and the findings of Emoto? Snowflake has a locally violated 6-fold rotational symmetry and looks like a planar tree with branches emanating from the center. That one cannot find two identical snowflakes, can be understood in terms of criticality during their formation.
Icosahedron and tetrahedron correspond to an icosahedral symmetry group with 60 elements and hexagon to Z6. All these groups belong to an infinite hierarchy of discrete and finite subgroups of SU(2) associated with the inclusions of von Neumann algebras known as hyper-finite factors of type II1 (see this and this). M8-H duality allows us to interpret SU(2) as a covering group of the automorphism group of quaternions.
- The dark proton realization genetic code would be in terms of icosa-tetrahedral tessellation of hyperbolic 3-space H3 (light-cone proper time constant surface) (see this). Ordinary ice Ih consists of hexagonal layers (see this): could a hexagonal tessellation at the level of H3 could be involved. This suggests that if the genetic code is realized at the level of MB, a symmetry breaking leading from an icosa-tetrahedral tessellation to a hexagonal tessellation at the level of ordinary matter takes place in the freezing of water.
- Intriguingly, the size scale of the snowflake hexagon is of order .45 cm, which happens to be the gravitational Compton length Λgr= GME/v0 in the gravitational field of Earth for v0=c determined from other arguments (see this)! This scale is huge as compared with the size of order 1 Angstr\"om of the ice crystal hexagon. Quantum fluctuations at quantum criticality involve however large values of heff meaning scaled up sizes for the basic structures. For heff=hgr the minimum size would naturally be Λgr! Note that the thickness of human cortex varies in the range .1-.45 cm.
- The fourth phase of water, as Pollack called it, is formed in the Pollack effect (for the TGD view see this) and consists of hexagonal layers connected by hydrogen bonds. The effective stoichiometry is H1.5O so that every fourth proton goes somewhere and a negatively charged exclusion zone (EZ) is formed. In the TGD based model, every fourth proton becomes a dark proton at flux tube so that the stoichiometry becomes H1.5O.
Dark protons with heff=hgr would not be present for snowflakes nor for the crystal-like structures studied by Emoto. However, at the quantum criticality for freezing they could emerge and be associated with quantum gravitational hydrogen bonds (flux tubes) containing dark protons delocalized in the Earth size scale (see this).
The basic claim of Emoto is that water at criticality has emotions and expresses them. If bioharmony determines emotions and is realized in terms of dark proton and dark photon sequences at quantum criticality, the question arises whether a dark realization of the genetic code for snow flakes and whether the MB controls and communicates with water using dark 3-photons. Conditioned learning is based on emotions: could water at criticality be able to learn in this way?
If quantum criticality is the prerequisite of life, one can ask whether snowflakes of the crystal structures of Emoto could be "revived" by bringing the water to criticality.
- At least for water, silicon, gallium, germanium, bismuth, and plutonium, the density is higher for liquid phase than solid phase above criticality. Could all substances with this property show analogs of Pollack and Emoto effects? Or could these effects appear universally at melting and sublimation curves. What about the analogs of snowflakes with size Λgr≈ .45 cm? Note that the thickness of human cortex varies in the range .1-.45 cm.
See the chapter Quantum gravitation and quantum biology in TGD Universe or the article Comparison of Orch-OR hypothesis with the TGD point of view.