I spent a very pleasant week in Hungary in second Unified Theories conference (thanks for organizers for creating extremely warm atmosphere) and had the opportunity to listen Peter Gariaev's lecture about the fascinating experimental discoveries made by his group about the interaction of laser light and also ordinary light with DNA. The lecture and the discussions with Peter led to an updating of eight-year old model for these effects and summarized the updated model in the article that I titled The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer. I glue below the introduction of the article. The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum ComputerFor about eight years ago - inspired by a representation in CASYS�2000 conference [1] - I developed a model (see this) for the fascinating effects of laser light on genome discovered by Peter Gariaev and his collaborators [1,2,3,4,5]. This model is somewhat obsolete since it does not involve the recent TGD inspired vision about quantum biology and DNA, and the discussions with Peter in the second Unified Theories conference 2008 in Budapest made clear the need to update this model containing also some misinterpretations. In this article the effects of laser light on living matter are discussed only briefly with a stronger emphasis on the photographs produced by the scattering of ordinary light on DNA reported in [5]. In TGD framework these photographs could be interpreted as photographs of wormhole magnetic flux tubes containing dark matter. This would realize the dream of making directly visible the basic new structure predicted by TGD inspired quantum biology. 1 The findings of Peter Gariaev and collaboratorsThese findings include the rotation of polarization plane of laser light by DNA [1], phantom DNA effect [4], the transformation of laser light to radiowave photons having biological effects [4], the coding of DNA sequences to the modulated polarization plane of laser light and the ability of this kind of light to induce gene expression in another organisms provided the modulated polarization pattern corresponds to an "address" characterizing the organism [1,4], and the formation of images of what is believed to be DNA sample itself and of the objects of environment by DNA sample in a cell irradiated by ordinary light in UV-IR range [5]. Gariaev and collaborators have introduced the notion of wave genome [1] requiring the coding of DNA sequences to temporal patterns of coherent em fields forming a bio-hologram representing geometric information about the organism. Code could mean that nucleotide is represented by a characteristic rotation angle for the polarization plane of linearly polarized laser radiation scattering from it. This kind rotation is known to be induced by chromosomes by a mechanism which to my best knowledge is poorly understood. Other open questions concern the precise identification of the substrate of the bio-hologram, of the reference wave and of information carrying wave, and of the mechanism making possible (quantum) coherence in macroscopic length scales. The reading of the DNA sequence to a radiation pattern is assumed to rely on the propagation of an acoustic soliton along DNA [1]. Whatever this process is, one should also identify the reverse process inducing the activation of the genome as the target organism receives the radiation coding for the DNA provided the "address" is correct. One should also identify the mechanism transforming laser radiation to radio-waves at various frequencies as well as the mechanism creating what is believed to be the image of DNA sample and replicated images of some instruments used in experiment.2 The relevant aspects of TGD based view about living matterThe called massless extremals (MEs or topological light rays) distinguish between TGD and Maxwell's electrodynamics: they represent classically signals propagating with light velocity in a precisely targeted and dispersion free manner, and are therefore excellent candidates for the communication and control tools in the TGD based model for a living system as a conscious hologram (see this) and this). The notion of magnetic/field body, which can have layers of even astrophysical size, is an essential element of the model. Magnetic body uses biological body as a sensory receptor and motor instrument and MEs mediate sensory input and control signals between the two kinds of bodies (see this). I have already earlier applied MEs and the notion of magnetic body in an attempt to understand Gariaev's findings (this). The new element is the model for DNA as topological quantum computer (tqc) (see this) based on time-like braidings of so called wormhole magnetic flux tubes connecting nucleotides to the lipids at lipid layers nuclear and cell membranes. The model leads to a wide variety of predictions about DNA itself (see this), to a universal model for a tissue memory in terms of space-like braidings of wormhole magnetic flux tubes (see this), to a more detailed model of nerve pulse explaining also the origin of EEG and its synchrony (this), to a model for the evolution of the genetic code (see this), to a model of catalyst action involving a phase transition reducing the value of Planck constant inducing the shortening of the flux tubes connecting the reacting molecules and thus forcing them to the vicinity of each other, and to a model of for protein folding (this) in which the presence of wormhole magnetic flux tubes connecting bio-molecules becomes almost a definition for what it is to be living. It is interesting to combine these new ideas with the earlier [1,2,2,4] and more recent [5] findings of Gariaev. Basically the challenge is to fuse the DNA as tqc model with the model of living systems as a conscious hologram (see this).3 The basic assumptions of model explaining findings of GariaevThe basic assumptions of the model to be discussed are following.
References[1] P. Gariaev et al (2000), The DNA-wave-biocomputer, CASYS'2000, Fourth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liege, 2000. Abstract Book, Ed. M. Dubois. [2] P. Gariaev, Brief introduction into WaveGenetics. Its scope and opporturnities., https://www.wavegenetics.jino-net.ru. [3] P. P. Gariaev et al(2002), The spectroscopy of bio-photons in non-local genetic regulation, Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, Vol 1, Nr 3. this . [4] P. P. Gariaev, V. I. Chudin, G. G. Komissarov, A. A. Berezin , A. A. Vasiliev (1991), Holographic Associative Memory of Biological Systems, Proceedings SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks. v.1621, p. 280- 291. USA. [5]P. P. Gariaev, G. G. Tertishni, A. V. Tovmash (2007), Experimental investigation in vitro of holographic mapping and holographic transposition of DNA in conjuction with the information pool encircling DNA, New Medical Tehcnologies, #9, pp. 42-53. The article is in Russian but Peter Gariaev kindly provided a translation of the article to English. [6] F. A. Popp, B. Ruth, W. Bahr, J. B�hm, P. Grass (1981), G. Grolig, M. Rattemeyer, H. G. Schmidt and P. Wulle: Emission of Visible and Ultraviolet Radiation by Active Biological Systems. Collective Phenomena(Gordon and Breach), 3, 187-214. [7]Faraday effect, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday-effect. For more details see the chapter The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer. See also the article The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer. |