Year 2022
Evidence for quantum brain (31.10.2022)Shocking support for the quantum brain in TGD sense (24.10.2022)Invisible magnetic fields as a support for the notion of monopole flux tube (23.9.2022)DMT experiences and hyperbolic geometry (7.5.2022)Quantum Statistical Brain (26.1.2022) |
Year 2022
Are we living in past? (9.2.2022) |
Year 2021
About TGD view of neuron (17.11.2021)EEG and the structure of magnetosphere (10.4.2021) |
Year 2020
TGD interpretation of new experimental results about the mechanism of anesthesia (11.6.2020)50 Hz electric oscillation wakes up brain (17.2.2020) |
Year 2019
The implications of TGD view about magnetic fiels for superconductivity (14.10.2019)Zero energy ontology and quantum model for nerve pulse (7.8.2019)Solar surprise (6.5.2019)Three findings about memory recall and TGD based view about memory retrieval (13.3.2019) |
Year 2017
DMT, pineal gland, and the new view about sensory perception,dreams/hallucinations, and imagination (22.12.2017)Why metabolism and what happens in bio-catalysis? (2.2.2017) |
Year 2014 Harmony, music, and religious myths(18.11.2014).Genes, music and icosahedron (and tetrahedron too!)(13.11.2014).Geometric theory of harmony(29.10.2014).Does DNA understand speech or should you sing to it?(11.7.2014).Pythagoras, music, sacred geometry, and genetic code(4.7.2014).Gravitational Mother Gaia and life(29.5.2014).Implications of strong gravimagnetism for TGD inspired quantum biology(25.5.2014).Possible implications of Pollack's findings for pre-biotic life in TGD Universe(2.5.2014).What is EEG made of? (12.4.2014) |
Year 2011 Persinger's work with God helmet: TGD inspired interpretation (29.12.2011)Persinger's work with God helmet (29.12.2011)TGD Based View about Classical Fields in Relation to Consciousness Theory and Quantum Biology (28.12.2011) |
Year 2010 EEG synchrony and negentropic entanglement (10.3.2010) |
Year 2009 Free radicals, expanding Earth, water memory, and Cambrian revolution(10.7.2009)Burning water, photo synthesis, and water memory (10.7.2009)Burning water and photosynthesis (8.7.2009)A model for chiral selection (5.7.2009)Water electric as protocell? (2.7.2009)Genes and homeopathy (29.6.2009). |