Gravitational Mother Gaia and lifeIn an earlier summary I have told about considerable progress in understanding TGD inspired quantum biology. The basic result is that the gravitatational Planck constant hgr inspired by Nottale's observations and heff inspired by the effects of ELF radiation on vertebrate brain can be one and same thing at least in elementary particle scales where hgr is defined for a pair formed by elementary particle (say) and Earth, or Sun or some massive body. It is of course possible that heavier objects than elementary particle can appear as second member in the pair. The objects are connected by gravitational flux tubes mediating gravitational interaction. The big surprise was that hgr is indeed of same order of magnitude as needed for the energies of EEG photons to be in visible-UV range so that their decay products can be interpreted as biophotons. Dark cyclotron photons with universal energy spectrum in this range would control bio-chemical reactions by resonance mechanism in living matter. This picture generalizes to other interaction and the notion of hem= Z1Z2e2/v0. Now the surprising numerical accident is that for ATP synthase which is motor with rotating shaft rotating with velocity v0 and generating three ATPs from ADP during single turn hem seems is same order of magnitude as hgr(particle,Earth) for elementary particles. These findings lead to fascinating speculations about the role of quantum gravitation in living systems. Negentropic entanglement (NE) is one of the key notions of TGD inspired quantum biology. For instance, it would seem that NE would look more natural metabolic resource than energy. Nutrients should carry it. NE is however not single particle property but between nutrient and some other system in the recent case. What can one say about this system? Can it be part of nutrient? Could it correspond to oxygen molecules? Or could it be gravittional Mother Gaia identified in some sensible manner? If one believes on the presence of gravimagnetic flux tubes and their role as generator of macroscopic quantum coherence in biology then one is forced to consider seriously also NE between its ends. If this is the case then the view of religions about life might be nearer to truth than that of hard-born materialists. To make this more concrete, let us first look what the transfer of NE could mean.
The quantum model for metabolism allows to understand life as a process in which negentropic entanglement of gravitational Mother Gaia with nutrients is transformed to that of molecules of biological body with personal magnetic body and further processed and enriched. At the moment of biological death this information returns to the personal magnetic body which now connects only gravitational Mother Gaia or higher levels in the hierarchy. By NMP information is not lost but increases steadily giving rise to "Akashic records". This view conforms with the core ideas of spiritual and religious teachings. For details see the chapter Quantum model for bio-superconductivity: II or the article Implications of strong gravimagnetism for TGD inspired quantum biology. |