Latest view about water memoryThe notion of water memory has several aspects. Water memory was introduced by Benveniste to explain the claimed ability of homeopathically treated water to behave as if it contained the original molecules. Already Benveniste discovered the connection with very low frequency electromagnetic radiation and claimed that the patterns of this radiation carry the information about the molecule and represent its biologically relevant aspects. Water memory has been also assigned to the observation suggesting that the human intent has effect on the crystal structures formed as water near criticality freezes. Basic aspects of water memory The first aspect of water memory relates to homeopathy and is discussed from strongly skeptic point of view in Wikipedia article. Mae Wan-Ho takes a more balanced view on homeopathy in her article discussing the recent findings of the research group of HIV Nobelist Luc Montagnier providing strong support for water memory and suggesting also a connection with gene level (see this and this). The basic principle of homeopathy is "let like be cured by like". Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted preparations believed to cause in the healthy individuals effects similar to the undesired symptoms of the person treated. Homeopathy is not in accordance with the naive materialistic beliefs about what water is (just the letters H2O!) and what happens in succussion process producing the remedy. Not surprisingly, hard-nosed skeptics are not able to discuss the subject without bursts of rage. Obviously, the claimed effect of homeopathic remedy resembles that of vaccine and one might say that the harmful substance serves as its own antibody eliminating the effect of the harmful substance. If one takes homeopathy seriously, the challenge is to explain this auto-antibody behavior. One can of course ask whether this behavior could in some sense be the basic mechanism of immune system. In Benveniste's experiments antibodies of human basophils were dissolved in water and the claim of experiments was that basophils added to the homeopathically treated water produced allergic reaction serving usually as a signature for the presence of antibody. As if water were able to mimic the antibodies in biologically relevant aspects. Later Benveniste was labeled as a fraud but the research has continued and it has been for long time thought that low frequency electromagnetic fields are essential for water memory. The frequencies in question extend to kHz range and cannot relate to molecular transitions. Cyclotron frequencies assignable to charged particles at the magnetic body of the molecule are the natural candidate in TGD framework. Second aspect of water memory relates to the claim that human intent has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Clearly a special variant of remote mental interaction would be in question. Masaru Emoto has photographed water crystals resulting from water contained by a glass and subject to human intent. Depending on the origin of water the resulting water crystals can vary from random to very organized and aesthetic. Words, pictures, and music are used to generate the crystals. It is important to not forget that human intent is a decisive factor so that water need not be able to read as one especially simplistic and aggressive fanatic ridiculizing Emoto claimed! Emoto has published several books containing pictures of the crystals and makes explicit that he is not a scientist but photographer who has discovered a fascinating new phenomenon and loves to document it. Mae Wan-Ho has written an article titled Crystal Clear - Messages from Water in which she discusses Emoto's work with intellectual honesty and giving primacy for facts instead of dogmas. The basic argument of skeptic is that water is just H2O as we learned in school and therefore Emoto must be a swindler. The Wikipedia article about Masaru Emoto's work represents a rather civilized skeptic reaction as compared to Harriet Hall's piece of bad rhetorics filled with nasty ad hominem attacks. More ambitious skeptic believer bothers to develop an argument claiming that aesthetic appeal is highly subjective measure to characterize the water crystals. Here common sense and intellectual honesty clash with materialistic dogmas categorically denying this kind of effects, and the reader of these books must make a personal decision about what might be the truth - unless they decide to become photographers of water crystals. The reader can also form his or her opinion about this aspect of water memory by looking the You tube video Water has Memory prepared in Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart illustrating that the effect of human intent on the structure of water droplets is same for droplets from same source, is repeatable, and characterizes the operator. Also the effect of flowers dropped into the water is illustrated. All drops from a given source give rise to same structure characterizing the flower. It is suggested that water is a huge information source and serves as a kind of data medium. This proposal is highly trivial and would mean a profound modification of world view. A simple model for water memory Suppose that we just for a moment decide to overcome our intellectual laziness and are not satisfied with the standard rhetoric tricks of skeptics to convince ourselves that water memory researches must be swindlers or fools. In other words, we take the experimental evidence supporting water memory as something worth of considering seriously and try to build a model for the claimed phenomena. We can indeed imagine when we do not know. The challenge of the model for water memory is to explain the claimed basic aspects of water memory with minimal assumptions. Let us the restrict the model building further by assuming that we live in TGD Universe and that our vision about this Universe is roughly correct. The ability of water molecule clusters to mimic the possibly harmful substances - call them just H - dissolved in water in some biologically relevant aspects could explain the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. Water should make possible a symbolic representation of the molecules or their magnetic bodies.
What could then be the healing mechanism in homeopathy? Why the presence of the fake molecules in organism would prevent the harmful actions of real molecules in the organism? What could be the translation of "Let like be cured by like" to the language of quantum TGD?
Dark nucleon genetic code as realization of water memory, and homeopathic mechanism as basic mechanism of immune system The proposal says nothing about the detailed structure of water clusters, and does not mention dark nucleons nor the proposal for the realization of genetic code based on them. A more refined model would include also these and give a connection for how immune system would utilize the reconnection of flux tubes defining the basic mechanism of homeopathy.
Reader has certainly noticed that reconnection mechanism pops up again and again in the model and would be also the fundamental mechanism of ordinary DNA replication, transcription, translation of mRNA to proteins, and of process catching tRNA molecules carrying amino-acids to form protein at mRNA. This mechanism would be realized even in the mutual interactions between living organisms and between living organisms and inanimate matter. Braiding represents as a higher level aspect of water memory Braiding represents another aspect of water memory relating to the representation as dark nucleon sequences as the quantum computer programs represented by braidings to DNA in the model of DNA as topological quantum computer (see this). The memories represented by braiding would be about the flow of water and molecules rather than about substances present in the water. The model of qualia (see this) is based on flux tube connections between system representing self and environment. For polar molecules the qualia would relate to charge and electric polarization. Could the qualia assignable to polar molecule plus environment have scaled down fractal variants at the level of water clusters of environment? If this were the case then water would effectively produce representations about molecule at the level of qualia. Could also these relate to water memory? Effects of intent on water crystallization One should understand the effect of intent on water in terms of water memory. The proposed representation of polar molecules in terms of dark DNA sequences is one possible realization of water memory reducing naming of molecules to genetic code letters. Essentially addressing of molecules would be in question. This aspect of water memory is not relevant now. Rather, what matters is the interaction of water with human operator and reconnection of flux tubes of magnetic bodies is a good guess for how this interaction is realized. The same mechanism is involved also with the interaction of homeopathic remedy and harmful substance. How could one understand the effect of intent on water crystallization, which characterizes the operator involved. The situation would be very much like that in the experiments of Tiller. The magnetic bodies assignable to the operator and water must interact and produce the effects. This would not be surprising if similar interaction takes place in the case of dissolved substances. A concrete model for the interaction would be in terms of the reconnections of closed flux tubes emerging from the biological body of subject person with the flux tubes of the magnetic body of water creating direct flux tube contacts between the two bodies. The presence of magnetic flux tube connections between water sample and operator's magnetic and biological body would induce the effects on crystallization of water. Water memory should be stable in human time scales. This requires that these flux tube patterns are rather stable modification of the magnetic body of water. Large values of Planck constant assignable to the magnetic body of human agent would be needed. What is required is that the crystallization patterns and therefore structures of water clusters correlate with the structure of the magnetic body of the water sample. Magnetic body and migrating birds What happens when the water glass in the experiments of Emoto is taken to a large distance from operator? Does the effect prevail? If the magnetic flux tubes stretch, this interaction need not cease as the distance between operator and water glass increases unless the double flux tube splits by self-reconnection. If so, water could indeed act as a data medium as proposed in the video about water memory. Magnetic body could play key role in understanding how birds and fish manage to find their birth places during migration is one of the many unresolved mysteries of biology. It has been suggested that orienteering in magnetic field of Earth using neuron level compass is in question but this proposal has its difficulties. Could it be that the birds and fish are connected by the magnetic flux tubes of their personal magnetic body or of that of the species to the birth place so that they would only follow Ariadne's thread?
For background see the chapter Homeopathy in Many-sheeted Space-time.