The experimental work of William Tiller about intentional imprinting of electronic devices

The notion of magnetic body seems to provide the royal road to the understanding of biology and paranormal phenomena and same basic mechanism are involved with both anomalies of recent day physics. In the first posting I discussed a model of homeopathy and water memory. The second posting was about the explanation for the tendency of anomalous cognition to appear during two hours around 13.30 sidereal time. In this posting I discuss William Tiller's findings about intentional imprinting of electronic devices in the same conceptual framework. I have developed these models during years and the newest simplifications and clarifications come from the application of the hierarchy of Planck constants and the wisdom gained during the development of the model of DNA as topological quantum computer (recall that dark matter is identified as macroscopic quantum phases labeled by values of Planck constant in TGD Universe).

1. Experiments

William Tiller in Stanford University has carried out impressive experimental work with what he calls intention imprinted electronic devices (IIED), and his results challenge that standard assumption that the intentions of experimenter do not affect the experimental apparatus.

The goal was to try to imprint a specific intention into a simple, low tech electronic device so as to influence the companion, specific, well-designed, target experiment. The intentional imprinting was attempted in a meditative state. The intentionally imprinted device, IIED, was sent to a laboratory located at distance of about 1500 miles where colleagues had set up the experiment. The device was placed about 6 inches from a continuously running and computer-monitored target experiment and switched on (total electrical power rate was less than 1 microwatt). Over a time period of about 1-4 months the recorded results from the target experiment changed in the directions of the specific intention and the change eventually reached the selected magnitude of the specific intention. Also an identical, but not intention imprinted device was used and the results were compared in order to achieve more objective measurements about the effects of human consciousness on electric devices.

The targets used were purified water, some bio-molecules, and larvae of flies. These targets where either unshielded or shielded from radiation. For the latter purpose they were closed inside a grounded Faraday cage (FC), which screened rather effectively the radiation coming at microwave frequencies whereas for ultra low frequency (ULF) fields the screening is virtually absent (skin depth behaves as 1/{psf} at low frequencies and f=2ps (in units hbar = c=1) defines kind of critical frequency above which screening occurs effectively). The targets could be affected by control device (CD) or by identical IIED generating microwave radiation. Radiation was generated either at single frequency (7.3 MHz) or at three frequencies (5.0, 8.0 and 9.3 MHz) .

In the case of purified water the spatial distributions of physical parameters like pH, temperature, and conductivity were measured as a function time. In the case of bio-molecules the possible effect on thermodynamical activity, which measures the thermodynamical energy of single molecule, was measured. In the case of fly larvae the effect on the larval development time was studied. The results from various arrangements were compared with control targets (no FC, no CD, no IIED). 2. Basic results

The basic experimental results were two-fold. First of all intended effects were achieved. Secondly, the "conditioning" of the laboratory resulted as an unexpected effect and continued even after the removal of the target and IIED.

  1. IIED imprinted by intention to increase/decrease the pH of water gradually induced a shift in the pH of purified water to the intended value, increased the in vitro thermodynamic activity of bio-molecules, and a reduction of larval development time.

  2. For bio-molecules and larvae four simultaneous side-by-side treatments were tested: i) an unshielded sample, ii) a shielded sample, iii) a shielded sample with an 'on' control device, iv) a shielded sample with an 'on' IIED. Just the shielding of em radiation affected the thermodynamic activity of the bio-molecules, and just adding less than about 1 microwatt of microwave radiation via control device reduced the thermodynamical activity and lengthened the developmental time. Thus the microwave radiation acted as a stressor having entropic effect. When the control device was replaced with IIED, the degradation caused by microwave radiation was overcome.

Quite unexpected phenomena arose from a repeated conduct of IIED in a given laboratory space. By simply continuing to use IIED in the laboratory space, it became "conditioned in some very fundamental way". Three signatures heralded the onset of the "conditioning" process.

  1. Oscillations of air and water temperature, and of pH and electrical conductivity of water with large amplitudes with the periods of oscillations in 10-100 minute range developed. The amplitudes of pH- and temperature oscillations was ~ DpH=.1 pH-unit and DT ~ 1-3 K units respectively. Even more remarkably, the oscillations were sustained in the locale even after the removal of the IIED suggesting kind of phantom effect analogous to phantom DNA effect. Oscillation amplitude had peaks at the harmonics of fundamental frequency fl=1/Tl, Tl = 36.6 minutes with three lowest harmonics being very clearly visible . Also Tl = 51.2 minutes appears as fundamental period in some experiments. The ratio of these periods is 1.4 and rather near to 2=1.41, which might relate to p-adic length scale hypothesis.

  2. When an pH-increasing IIED with intention to increase pH by one unit was turned on in an almost unconditioned space located several hundred feet away from a strongly conditioned space, a well-defined pattern of pH-oscillations in an unconditioned space emerged. This pattern was accompanied by a highly correlated pattern of oscillations in strongly conditioned space. This kind of highly correlated oscillations were not observed in several unconditioned spaces also located several hundred feet away.

  3. The targets were subject to the action of a vertically aligned magnetic field in the range of 10-2-5×10-2 Tesla, such that the direction of the field could be reversed. In an unconditioned space the change of the direction of the magnetic field did not affect the pH. In the strongly conditioned space the effect on pH was different for the opposite directions of the applied field and the difference in pH values was about .6 units. One can say, that the target had become sensitive to the effects of external magnetic fields.

3. TGD based explanation of the results

The hierarchy of Planck constants suggests an improved and conceptually simpler model for intentional imprinting. Basic ideas are however more or less the same as above.

  1. The intentional imprinting means that flux tubes connecting the electronic device with meditators magnetic body are formed. The length of these flux tubes corresponds to the cyclotron time scale, which is between 10-100 minute time scale, which gives could idea about the size scale of the layer of the meditator's magnetic body involved.

  2. IIED acts on the target by sending microwave photons part of which travel along the flux tubes to the magnetic body of the meditator as dark photons and are reflected back as negative energy phase conjugate photons and travel now to the target where part of them are transformed to negative energy microwave photons and part induces oscillations in time scale defined by the length of flux tube. This explain pH oscillations and their time scales. Negative energy microwave photons in turn have a syntropic effect compensating for the entropic effect of ordinary positive energy microwave photon generated by the control device. This explains the increase of the thermodynamical activity of bio-molecules and the shortening of the development time of larvae. One can say that the system affecting the target is not IIED but the system IIED + meditator's magnetic body.

  3. The values of Planck constant involved correspond to the ratios of times scales 10-100 minutes to the time scales of microwave frequencies 5,8, 9.3 MHz. Order of magnitude is in the range r=3×1010-5.4×1011. The scaling law of homeopathy claims that r=2×1011 is a preferred value of this ratio.

  4. The conditioning of the laboratory can be also understood. In the new unconditioned position the IIED sends microwave photons to the magnetic body of meditator and this sends part of them to the previous target so that synchronized oscillations result. The flux tubes from the magnetic body to the target continue to exist also after the removal of IIED. It is not clear to me whether the effect is present also when IIED is not functioning in the new position. One can of course imagine that the flux tube connection continues to carry large hbar photons even after the removal of the target and the frequency is determined by the length of flux tube. This would mean that the target would possess a primitive analog of EEG.

  5. The action of vertically aligned magnetic field with strength in the range 200BE-1000×BE could be understood in terms of topological condensation of flux tubes of this field to vertical flux tubes of the magnetic field connecting the target and IIED to the meditator's magnetic body. The wormhole contacts would affect the value of this magnetic field in a manner depending on the direction of the magnetic field and also transmit the magnetic noise associated with the flux tubes of this field. Situation could resemble that encountered in the explanation of the correlation between anomalous cognition and sidereal time.

  6. The effects on number generators would rely on a similar mechanism. The dark cyclotron frequency associated with the magnetic flux tubes connecting computer to the magnetic body of the meditator and corresponding to a period of 113.778 minutes would induce the deviation from the random behavior. Planck constant would be hbar/hbar0 @ 1.3×1010 for 5 MHz microwave radiation in this case. The mechanism inducing bit flips could rely on low energy dark photons with large Planck constant but energy above thermal threshold. Dark frequencies above 102 Hz would correspond to ordinary IR frequencies and define photon energies above thermal threshold. The 1 kHz frequency characterizing synchronous firing of neurons might be involved.

For details see the chapter Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms.