I have been tormented from time to time by an unpleasant sensation of sound. Always at night. Last night it came back after a long time and lasted for several hours and I had to think about what it was.
During my stay here in Karkkila, it has been a very frequent night experience from time to time, especially in the summer. The sound source does not move. As if someone were keeping the car idling or even screaming the car engine to drive his fellow men to the brink of rage. It's hard to think that anyone could continue this kind of bullying for very long. Even the option that someone would listen to, say, a video of formula race at night time year after year, seems unlikely already because of the reaction of the neighbors.
I had to think about these options too, because a few years ago my hometown was a victim of moped terrorists and speeders for a few summers until the police finally became active. Fortunately, that time has passed.
The option that the voices were hallucinations didn't seem likely. Another option was that they are sensory memories. Such are possible and can be induced by electrically stimulating the temporal lobes. For example, some previously experienced pain due to some real cause can be chronically repeated as a sensory memory.
Then at night I realized a possible explanation. When I was living in Hanko, I wrote about a strange phenomenon called taos hum (taos hum)
(see this). For the TGD view of taos hum see
this and this . While writing about taos hum, I realized that I had this syndrome myself!
- An idling diesel engine is a good characterization for the sound. Here in Karkkila, the sound has been only more aggressive: as if deliberate gassing had been involved. Taos hum is not detected by microphones and does not create a normal sensation of hearing.
- Taos hum cannot be connected to any device produced by technology. It starts after sunset and the initial cause seems to be biological. Interestingly, also animals and plants start producing electrostatic noise after sunset. In Karkkila, during the winter, there are no other options than trees.
- Microwave hearing (Frey effect) could be involved. The series of microwave pulses can be modulated with low but audible frequencies, for example around 50 Hz. Microwave frequencies range is 3 decades: from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. They interact in the brain and produce an auditory experience. In which parts of the brain are not clear. The effect can also occur in the ears, but not in the normal way.
The carrier frequencies in the Frey effect are of the order of GHz. They are technologically significant (mobile phones for example) and this may explain why the effect has been reported for them. I am not aware of any reports regarding higher microwave frequencies that are not so technologically central. The piezoelectric effect, which converts electromagnetic radiation into sound and vice versa, could be essential to the effect.
Some people can sense the amplitude modulated frequency as a sound from radio masts, for example those used in radiotelephone connections.
Could also my unpleasant experience in Karkkila be the taos hum, which I already suffered in Hanko! Funnily enough, once I realized this connection, I stopped hearing anything! As if someone had worked hard to force me to realize this connection!
1. Connection with quantum gravitation?
Next, it occurred to me to ask what the frequency for the carrier wave of the taos hum could be.
- In quantum biology based on TGD, quantum gravity is essential and here Nottale's hypothesis is generalized and assigns macroscopic and even astrophysical quantum coherence to classical gravitational fields created by astrophysical objects.
In the Earth's gravitational field, the gravitational Compton wavelength is Λgr= GME/β0, where the velocity parameter satisfies β0= v0/c<1. The corresponding frequency does not depend on the mass of the particle (Equivalence Principle). For β=1 one has Λgr = .45 cm. It corresponds to the microwave frequency fgr=67 GHz. This would be some kind of universal clock frequency of quantum biology.
- I have considered also the possibility that computers (see
this, this, and this) could acquire some characteristics of a biological organism, if their clock frequency is higher than 67 GHz, because then the statistical determinism would no longer apply. In fact, the gravitional Compton wavelength associated with the Sun is half the radius of the Earth for β0≈ 2-11 deduced from the orbital radii of inner planets identified as Bohr orbits and corresponds to the EEG frequency of 50 Hz, which inspires many questions.
- For biomolecules, microwave frequencies play an essential role. Microwaves are associated with many strange effects such as ball lightning and light balls that have often been interpreted as UFOs. The creation of crop circles could be based on the same mechanisms as the explosion of a tomato in a microwave oven, which can be also used to produce this kind of light balls. There are also reports of lightballs in the act of building a crop circle.
- Could the amplitude modulation of the radiation with gravitational Compton frequency produce the taos hum?! The modulating frequencies are in the EEG range and quite low (this brings in mind the gravitational magnetic body of the Sun). Why would this give the impression of an idling diesel engine? Could it correspond to some kind of random noise but what about the impression of deliberate gassing? The carrier frequencies would be microwave frequencies and by a factor of 67 higher than in the Frey effect, which has been associated with the microwave hearing.
There is also another important microwave frequency. The maximum for the frequency distribution of the cosmic microwave background is at the frequency 160 GHz and to wavelength .2 cm. This frequency is roughly 2 times twice the gravitational Compton frequency for Earth. This is close to the upper limit of microwave frequencies of 300 GHz. Is it a coincidence that these two frequencies are so near to each other?
2. Generalization of stochastic resonance as an explanation of Taos hum?
Stochastic resonance occurs in the brain and its quantum analog serves as a candidate for the mechanism behind the perception of taos hum.
Consider first the classical variant of the stochastic resonance, which I have considered here.
- Classical stochastic resonance is an amplification mechanism for a signal represented as an amplitude modulation of a carrier wave with a basic frequency f acting as a harmonic perturbation of a bistable system, which is also subject to a white noise. In the recent case the message could correspond to the amplitude modulated signal with frequency f in the microwave range. f=fgr is an interesting option. One might say that the system manages to extract the energy of the noise, which creates the question whether the mechanism conforms with the second law of thermodynamics.
- In the resonance, the signal frequency f must be one half of the average frequency f(spont) for the jumps between two states of the bistable system: f= f(spont)/2. This condition has a simple physical interpretation: the height of the potential barrier separating the two potential wells varies periodically with a period which is half of the period defined by f, and the best opportunity to get to another potential well is to hop when the potential barrier is lowest possible.
- For the mechanical analog system the rate f(spont)=r0A is proportional to an "Arrhenius factor" A= exp(-Δ V/D), where Δ V is the height of the potential barrier and D characterizes the intensity of the white noise. f(spont) is also proportional to a factor r0= ω ωb/\gamma where ω is the frequency of small oscillations at either bottom of the symmetric potential well, ωb is the analogous quantity at the top of the barrier (for harmonic oscillator potential one would have ω=ωb), and \gamma characterizes the linear dissipative force (overcritical damping is assumed).
- Thus, when the white noise has a correct intensity, a weak harmonic perturbation with a given frequency is amplified in the sense that the Fourier expansion of the system's time development regarded as jumps between the two states contains a peak at the multiples of the frequency of the amplitude modulated harmonic perturbation. Neuroscientists refer to this phenomenon as phase locking. The peaks for the higher multiples of the input frequency f are exponentially suppressed. The notion of stochastic resonance makes sense also in the quantum context: now quantum tunnelling would replace the jumps induced by the stochastic noise.
In stochastic resonance the system extracts energy from the environment to amplify the signal. Does this really conform with the second law of thermodynamics: it would seem that the second law temporarily fails but is true with an opposite arrow of time. The TGD view of stochastic resonance could be motivated by this question.
Could stochastic resonance generalize to a quantum situation but with the ordinary ontology of quantum theory replaced with the zero energy ontology (ZEO) of TGD (see this)? What would be new is the identification of the ordinary quantum jump as a "big" state function reduction (BSFR) in which the arrow of time changes. One can consider two interpretations.
- Consider first the TGD analog of the standard interpretation. The jump between the potential wells corresponds to a quantum tunnelling as a transition of states with the same arrow of time and therefore involves two subsequent BSFRs. In stochastic resonance, the frequency f(spont) for these tunnellings should satisfy f=fspont/2. Each period T= 1/f would correspond to two pairs of BSFRs. In the TGD framework, this interpretation looks too complicated.
- For the second option, a single BSFR defines the counterpart for the hopping between two potential wells and 2 BSFRs define quantum tunnelling. Bistability has nothing to do with the details of the dynamics and is universal and corresponds to the two arrows of time. f(spont) is identified as the rate for BSFRs rather than their pairs and characterizes external perturbations.
In the stochastic resonance, the rate f(spont)/2 for a pair of BSFRs would be equal to the carrier frequency f so that quantum tunnelling is in synchrony with the driving frequency f and each period corresponds to a quantum tunnelling. The intensity of the noise could be used to induce this synchrony.
This synchronization mechanism applies to all transitions and to all frequencies f but f=fgr,E would be in a special role since fgr,E defines a universal gravitational Compton frequency of the Earth. For instance, EEG could involve this mechanism and the halves of the EEG period would correspond to different arrows of time as I have indeed proposed here) on basis of observations of brothers Fingelkurts (see this). As already noticed, the gravitational Compton frequency fgr,S=50 Hz of Sun is EEG frequency and EEG frequencies appear as modulation frequencies in Taos hum.
See the chapter Taos hum, stochastic resonance, and sensory perception or the article with the same title.