The original model for DNA as topological quantum computer assigns to DNA nucleotides quarks at ends of flux tubes or quark pairs at the ends of wormhole flux tubes. This is only the realization that came first to my mind in TGD Universe where dark variants of quarks can define QCD like physics even in cellular length scales. One can actually imagine several realizations of the genetic code and the first realization is far from being the simplest one. It is enough to have four different particles or many-particle quantum states to build at least formally a map from A,T,C, G to four states. It is obvious that the number of possible formal realizations is limited only by the imagination of the theoretician. Additional conditions are required to fix the model.
Fermionic representation
Consider first the fermionic representations in the general case without specifying what fermions are.
- The original proposal was that DNA nucleotides correspond to flux tubes with quark q and antiquark qbar at the ends of the parallel flux sheets extremely near to each other. Second options relies on wormhole magnetic flux tubes in which case quark pair qqbar is at both ends. Quarks u, d and their antiquarks would code for A,T,C,G. The spin of quarks is not taken into account at all in this coding: why not restrict the consideration to single quark. The total quark charge at given end of flux tube pair vanishes and flux tube ends carry opposite quark charges.
The nice feature of this option is that one could understand the generation of color qualia in the model of sensory receptor in simple manner to be discussed below. Even if one accepts the arguments supporting the view that dark quarks in cell scale are natural outcome of the hierarchy of Planck constants, one could argue that the presence of both quarks and antiquarks does not conform with matter antimatter asymmetry (not that one can however identify the analog of matter antimatter asymmetry at DNA level).
- Spin states for fermion pairs assigned with two parallel magnetic flux tubes with the magnetic field generated by spin provide much simpler representation for nucleotides. Similar fermion pair would reside at the second end of flux tube pair.
- It is is essential that rotational symmetry is broken and reduces to rotational symmetry around the direction of flux tubes so that spin singlet and spin 0 state of triplet mix to form states for which each fermion is in spin eigenstate. The states must be antisymmetric under exchange of the protons and spin 1/0 states are antisymmetric/symmetric in spatial degrees of freedom (wave functions located to the ends of flux tubes). The states with definite spin for given flux tube are mixtures of s=1 states with vanishing spin projection and s=0 state.
- It is not quite clear whether one should treat fermion pairs as identical bosons with 3+1 spin states since in TGD framework one considers disjoint partonic 2-surfaces and the situation is not that of QFT in M4. This interpretation would require totally symmetry of the states under permutations of bosonic states defined by the 3+1 spin states. Coding by spin requires that each nucleotide corresponds to a state with a well defined spin. In field theory language the state would be obtained by applying bosonic oscillator operators generating states of given spin localized to a given nucleotide position.
- The classical correlate for the permutations of coordinates of fermions has interpretation as braiding for the flux tubes of the flux tube pair. In the similar manner the permutation of the flux tube pairs associated with nucleotides has interpretation as braiding of the 3-braids formed form from flux tube pairs. Braiding therefore gives a representation of spin analogous to the well-known orientation entanglement relation invented by Dirac and providing geometric representation of spin 1/2 property.
Various options for the fermionic representation of A,T,C,G
Fermionic representations allows several options since fermion can be electron, u or d quark, or proton. Wormhole magnetic fields would not be needed in this case.
- The problem of electron and proton options is that it does not allow realization of color qualia. There is also the well-known problem related to the stability of DNA caused by the phosphate charge of -2 units per nucleotide. Somehow this charge should be screened. In any case, the charge -2 should correspond to the electron pair at the DNA end of the flux tube for electron option. For proton option the charge would be screened completely. One could of course consider also the large hbar color excitations of ordinary protons instead of quark at its nucleotide ends. This option would however require the modification of quark wave functions inside proton and this option will not be discussed here.
- Quark option would give rise to both color and allow also to reduce the electronic charge of -2 units by 4/3 units to -2/3 units in the case of u quark pair. This would help to stabilize DNA. In the case of d quarks the charge would increase to -10/3 units and is not favored by stability argument. Flux tube pairs assigned to single nucleotide define diquarks with spin 1 or spin 0.
- Diquarks behave ass identical bosons with 3+1 spin states and 3× 3 color states. The states with well defined symmetry properties in spin degrees of freedom have such properties in spatial degrees of freedon. This means that one obtains a superposition of flux tube pairs with are either braided or unbraided. Triplet/singlet state is symmetric/antisymmetric and total asymmetry could be guaranteed by
assuming symmetry/antisymmetry in spatial degrees of freedom and antisymmetry/symmetry in color degrees of freedom. This would give anti-triplet/6-plet in color degrees of freedom. Spatial symmetry would favor antitriplet and diquark would behave like antiquark with respect to color. Let us assume antitriplet state for definiteness.
- DNA codon corresponds to three-di-quark state. This state must be totally symmetric under the exchange of bosons. One can have total symmetry in both spatial and color degrees of freedom or total antisymmetry/symmetry in spatial and total antisymmetry/symmetry in color degrees of freedom.The first option gives 10-dimensional color multiplet and the second one color singlet. Braiding is maximal and symmetric/antisymmetric in these case. One can consider also mixed symmetries. In this case one has color octet which is antisymmetric with respect to the first nucleotide pair and symmetric with respect to first nucleotide pair and third nucleotide. The braiding of the first two nucleotides must be antisymmetric and the braiding of this pair with third nucleotide. The conclusion would be that color multiplets correspond to well defined braidings and one would therefore have directed connection with topological quantum computation. Color octet is especially interesting concerning the representation of color qualia.
The challenge of all these options (note that the representability of color selects quark option) is to find a good justification for why the assignment of A,T,C,G to quark states or spin states is unique dynamically. Stability argument is expected to help here.
Realization of color qualia for quark option
Consider now how one could understand the generation of qualia for quark option.
- The generation of qualia involves interaction with external world giving rise to a sensory percept. In the case of visual colors it should correspond to a measurement of quark color and should give rise to eigenstages of color at the ends of flux tubes at DNA nucleotides for a nucleus or cell of photoreceptor. A modification of capacitor model is needed. Color polarization is still essential but now polarization in nucleus or cell scale is transformed in the generation of color quale to a polarization in longer length scale by the reconnection of flux tubes so that their ends attach to "external world". The nucleus/cell becomes color and state function reduction selects well defined quantum numbers. It is natural to assume that the entanglement in other degrees of freedom after color measurement is negentropic.
- Does the "external world" corresponds to another cell or to the inner lipid layers of the cell membrane containing the nucleus. In the first case flux tubes would end to another cell. If the nuclei of receptor cells are integrate to a larger structure by magnetic flux sheets traversing through them one can also consider the possibility that the polarization in the scale of cell nucleus (recall that the nucleus has also double lipid layer) is transformed to a polarization in cell scale so that similar process in cell scale gives rise to qualia.
- The entire receptor unit must have net color after the state function reduction. This requires that there are flux tubes connecting the receptor unit to a unit representing "external world". If second cell is the "external world" these flux tubes must go through the pair of lipid layers of both cell membrane and end up to the nucleus of cell in the environment. If external world corespond to the complement of nucleus inside cell the inner layers of cell membrane represents external world. Cell membrane indeed serves as sensory receptor in cell length scale. One can of course have sensory qualia in various length scales so that both options are probably correct and a kind of fractal hierarchy is very natural giving rise also to our qualia at some higher level.
- Consider now how the color qualia are generated.
- There must be two flux tube states. In the first state there are two flux tube beginning from cell nucleus A and ending to the inner lipid layer a1 and flux tube beginning from the outer lipid layer a2 and ending cell nucleus B. Both flux tubes have vanishing net color so that cells have vanishing net colors. This could be regarded as the resting state of the receptor. The lipids in layers a1 and a2 are connected by another short flux tube. Same for b1 and b2.
- The second flux tube state corresponds to long flux tubes connecting the nuclei of cells A and B. The ends carry opposite color charges. In this case the net color of both A and B is non-vanishing. This state would be an outcome of a reconnection process in which the flux tubes from A to a1 and B to a2 re-connect with the short flux tube connecting lipid layers a1 and a2.
- When these flux tubes carry opposite colors numbers at their ends, the cell possess net color charge and can represent color quale. Or rather, creation of this kind of flux tube connections would give rise to the color charging of the receptor cell with external world carrying opposite color charge.
One can argue that this mechanism is not quite in spirit with color capacitor model. Polarization is still essential but now polarization in receptor scale is transformed to polarization in longer length scale by the reconnection of flux tubes. This model is neither consistent with the naive expectation that the quale is generated after state function reduction. Rather, the beginning of sensation of quale means beginning of negentropic entanglement and fusion with external world and state function usually associated with the quantum measurement would mean the end of the sensation and separation from the external world! Maybe one can say that state function reduction means that experience is replaced with a memory "I had the sensation of quale"! Krishnamurti would certainly agree!;-)
The unexpected prediction of the model is that braiding would correlate directly with qualia. This would mean also a connection between quantum computation and qualia. This condition emerges from Fermi/Bose-Einstein statistics correlating braiding with symmetry properties of color states and spin states. Quite generally, the correlation of braiding with the symmetries of wave functions as functions of points of braid end points would allow to have direct geometric correlate between induced entanglement and braiding as naive intuitive expectations have suggested.
For background see the chapter General Theory of Qualia.