Negentropy Maximization Principle and Second LawNegentropy Maximization Principle (NMP) as the variational principle of consciousness replaces the second law and implies it for ordinary matter. State function reduction (SFR) means a reduction of the entanglement for a pair Sa-Sb of sub-system Sa and its complement Sb in S. Measurement cascade proceeding from long to short scales decomposes at each step a system to a pair of unentangled subsystems is in question. NMP as a variational principle of consciousness states that negentropy gain in these reductions is maximized and selects the pair Sa-Sb at given step. In adelic physics the negentropy is sum N= -S1-S2 of real and various p-adic negentropies but p-adic negentropy can be positive so that for non-trivial extensions of rationals one can have N>0. This kind of entanglement is stable against NMP so that the process stops. One can assign positively colored emotions to this kind of entanglement and it distinguishes between living and inanimate matter and also between dark and ordinary matter. An attractive idea is that NMP forces the system to peferom "big" state function reduction (BSFR) when system approaches cognitive fixed point. This would mean death of the conscious entity and its re-incarnation with an opposite arrow of time. See the chapter Negentropy Maximization Principle or the article Negentropy Maximization Principle and Second Law.