DNA waves and waterHIV Nobelist L. Montagnier's group has published two "/public_html/articles/ challenging the standard views about genetic code and providing strong support for the notion of water memory. Already the results of the first article suggested implicitly the existence of a new kind nano-scale representation of genetic code and the the recent article makes this claim explicitly. The model for the findings was based on the notion of magnetic bodies assignable with molecules and with water structures representing biologically relevant aspects of molecules in terms of cyclotron frequencies. The model involves also the realization of genetic code using electromagnetic field patterns and as dark nucleon strings and led to a proposal that the analogs of trancription and translation are realized for the dark variants of DNA,RNA, tRNa, and aminoacids represented in terms of dark nucleon strings. Also analogs of these processes between ordinary and dark variants of the biomolecules in question were proposed. This would make possible R&D like controlled evolution based on experimentation using dark representations of biomolecules. The recent findings of Montagnier's group allow a more detailed formulation of the model and suggest a general mechanism for generalized transcription and translation processes based on reconnection of magnetic flux tubes connecting the molecules involved. A new element in the model is the role of ordered water and hydrogen bonds in the formation of water memories. These representation would result from the dropping of the magnetic bodies of molecules as the hydrogen bonds connecting the molecule to water molecules of the ordered water layer around it are split during the mechanical agitation. A similar process occurs quite generally when external energy feed excites the resting state of cell and induces protein folding and its reversal and the formation of protein aggregates. The necessity of repeated dilution and mechanical agitation could be understood if it provides metabolic energy for the replication of the magnetic bodies and gives rise to a series of "environmental catastrophes" inducing evolutionary leaps increasing the typical value of Planck constant associated with the magnetic bodies until the energy E= hf of 7 Hz dark photons becomes larger than thermal energy at room temperature. For a detailed description of the model see the chapter Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-Time.