After a work of more than decade after the realisation that homeopathy might be understood in TGD Universe, I still find that I have not given an absolutely convincing answer to the question "What is the exact mechanism of homeopathy?". The basic rules is that "like cures alike". Why should this be the case? Let us go our arguments through once again.
- Certainly the imprinting of water using molecules causing the illness - call these molecules just I for brevity - must be an essential part of the healing mechanism. The imprinting means imprinting of water with some frequencies in the low frequency spectrum of I. The TGD inspired idea is that the magnetic body of appropriate water cluster or even dark nucleon sequence representing DNA sequence, call this entity I*, is able to mimic I in the sense that its cyclotron frequency spectrum is same.
- This in turn strongly suggests that the molecules in the organism to be healed - call them P - have a long range interaction with molecules I induced by dark photons with cyclotron frequencies but having energies above thermal threshold. The interaction involves a formation of a magnetic flux tube accompanied by a parallel topological light ray/ "massless extremal" (ME) along which dark photons at specific resonance frequencies propagate and induce resonant interaction between P and I. Thus both the formation of flux tube bridge and the resonant interaction made possible by it, would be essential for the homeopathic healing to take place. In fact, in TGD inspired theory of consciousness, the formation of resonating flux tube connections makes possible the quantum coherence for the combined system I+P and serves as a correlate for attention between I and P.
- The presence of the entities I* able to mimic the cyclotron frequency spectrum of I and forming resonant flux tube bonds with molecules H is however not enough to explain the healing effect (I have already considered some answers but they do not convince me). To understand this, one must be able to understand how I causes the illness. The answer of the standard medicine is that the mechanism is chemical and thus requires contact interaction between I and P. It is easy to believe this. Standard medicine also tells that in order to prevent the chemical interaction between I and P , one must use some medicine molecules M, preventing this chemical interaction. It is easy to believe also this.
In TGD Universe there is indeed a very natural mechanism preventing the chemical interaction between I and P. The reduction of the value of the effective Planck constant associated with the flux tubes connecting I and P leads to a contraction of the flux tube length (proportional to hbareff). This indeed makes possible a chemical contact interaction between both I and P causing the illness. In fact, I have proposed this mechanism as a completely general mechanism of catalyst action allowing biomolecules to find each other in the the dense bio-molecular soup. But this holds true also for I* and P! Using terms of "molecular psychology" , the entities I* mimicking I steal the attention of molecules P so that molecules I cannot cause the illness anymore!
This indeed looks extremely simple and natural and thus also convincing. What is important is that the proposed mechanism is not in conflict with standard medicine: it only makes possible the miracles of bio-chemistry and provides a completely new mechanism of healing. It is easy to imagine that a new kind of medicine using only water imprinted by the cyclotron frequency spectra of molecules responsible for the illness. This medicine would be completely free of the negative -basically chemical - side effects of the ordinary drugs. This mechanism would also use all the knowledge gained by ordinary biochemistry based medicine: if the relevant molecule I is known, it can be used to imprint water to get I*.
Also the effect of vaccines could rely on the "like cures alike" mechanism albeit in different form. Now the molecules or organisms - call them just B - causing the disease would be injected directly into the body rather than water. Water memory could give rise to a mimicry of B:s and give rise to primitive immunity. A more refined mechanism proposed earlier would involve dark DNA mimicking B:s and translating to ordinary DNA sequences coding for proteins able to catch B:s by the same flux tube mechanism.
The proposed mechanism of homeopathic healing leaves open the exact mechanism behind the cyclotron mimicry. The entities I* could be water clusters with magnetic bodies mimicking those of I, they could be water clusters which have stolen the magnetic bodies of I, or they could be even dark DNA accompanying water molecules and able to mimic I. Of course, the least science fictive option is that the possibly existing dark DNA couples only with ordinary DNA by the flux tube mechanism.
The interpretation of biophotons as decay products of dark photons in energy conserving phase transition hbareff→ hbar suggests that the dark photons involved with the communications have rather large value of hbareff given by hbareff=fh/fl. The simplest working hypothesis is that dark photons have same energy spectrum as biophotons. The prediction would be that biophoton spectrum from a homeopathic remedy - in particular its fluctuations - should correlate with the spectrum of the cyclotron frequencies. A weaker hypothesis is that the energies of dark photons are above thermal energy at physiological temperature.