If magnetic body uses biological body as a motor instrument and sensory receptor, the natural question is whether basic process such as mitosis, meiosis. could be induced by more fundamental processes for the magnetic body. One can argue that if magnetic flux tubes are responsible for making living organism and even population a kind of Indra's net, cell division should be induced by magnetic body and should produce automatically this Indra's net.
As a matter of fact, cell division brings strongly in mind division of magnetic dipole but also the reconnection of magnetic flux tubes can be considered as a basic mechanism. At least the following basic mechanisms can be considered.
- Consider a pair of magnetic flux tubes with opposite fluxes connecting objects A and B. The division of A+B to A and B would be induced by a reconnection process for the members of the pair producing two loops associated with A and B but no connection between A and B anymore. The problem of this option is that the flux tube connection defined in this manner might not be stable enough.
- Magnetic dipole would correspond to a flux tube at the core of the dipole field itself decomposing to flux tubes with weaker magnetic flux at its ends. The division to two dipoles would correspond to a formation of segment in which flux tube decomposes into several flux tubes, which need not be parallel anymore. Two new dipole ends are formed and the old dipole ends remain connected so that the repetition of this process would yield a kind of Indra's net predicting that all cells of living organism are connected by the flux tubes to single coherent whole.
The division of flux tube to several flux tubes could also correspond to the increase of Planck constant by integer factor n along a segment of flux tube. The resulting n flux sheets would corresponds to the sheets of the covering. The length of the segment would be scaled up by n.
- If one has pair of dipoles A-B and C-D with same total flux, a reconnection leading to A-D and C-B is possible.
Could biochemical processes associated with cell division be induced by some of the listed processes? The two latter options would predict that the cells produced in cell division remain connected by magnetic flux tubes. The division of dipole creates two new dipole ends connected by short flux tube. The already existing ends remain connected by "long" flux tubes carrying weak magnetic fields as compared to that carried by the dipole itself. Also the processes of meiosis and fertilization could respect the presence of long flux tubes connecting the cells participating in the process so that flux tube connections could also exist between parents and offspring. The members of population could form a kind of super-organism. Remote interactions between DNA and other biomolecules of closely related members of species and even shared use of DNA (and its TGD variant "dark DNA") can be imagined.
- Consider first DNA replication and reshuffling taking place in meiosis essential for the sexual reproduction in eukariotes. The dividing nucleus (of form MMFF) is ordinary nucleus and contains two pairs of chromosomes coming both mother (MM) and father (FF). Division produces four haploid cells containing only two chromosomes (AB) with A and B obtained by reshuffling the DNAs of mother and father to obtained 4 unique chromosome pairs. In sexual reproduction these cells fuse to form diploid cells (MMFF).
- The reshuffling of a pair MF of DNA strands from father and mother could be induced by a repeated reconnection process for flux tubes parallel to DNA strands. The simplest reconnection for strands A-B and C-D produces strands A-X-D and C-Y-B where A-Z and C-Y are pieces of A-B and C-D with same number of codons.
- The replication of DNA takes place for all four chromosomes before reshuffling. One obtains a nucleus containing 4 pairs of doubled chromosomes. This double nucleus divides to two daugher nuclei containing 2 doubled chromosomes each.These divide further to two nuclei each containing only two chromosomes each (AB).
The DNA reshuffling could correspond to a multiple reconnection process if the two DNA strands are accompanied by by long magnetic dipoles (flux tubes). Note that in absence of additional restrictions many combinations (28) are possible.
- After replication and reshuffling the division of the nucleus two two intermedaires could be induced either by splitting of a flux tube connecting pairs of doubled chromosomes to flux tubes not anymore parallel to each other. The flux could diverge to a larger volume in this segment. Second possibility is that the increase of Planck constant increases the length of segment and at the same time divides the flux into sub-fluxes. Dipole field flux tube would give long flux tubes and split dipole shorter flux tubes connecting the resulting cells together.
- Also the chromosome pairs of the resulting intermediate nuclei could be connected to each other by flux tubes to form a connected structure A-B-C-D and reconnection process could divide it to A-B plus C-D (say) and lead to a division of the nucleus producing 4 ordinary daughter nuclei.
- In mitosis the initial nucleus corresponds to MMFF and DNA replication leads to pairs of doubled chromosomes but without re-shuffling. One doubled pair from mother and one pair from father the members of doubled chromosomes are connected by a kind of bridge. In the mitosis proper the doubled chromosome pairs are split and two chromosome pairs containing one chromosome from father and mother are formed. After this division leads to two diploid cells similar to the dividing cell.
- In fertilization gametes from father and mother fuse together to form a single cell with two pairs of chromosomes from both father and mother. The question is how the two gametes are able to find each other. The reconnection of closed magnetic flux tubes associated with the gametes could lead to a formation of bridges connection the two gametes and a phase transition reducing the value of Planck constant could lead the two gametes near each other and make possible the fusion.
DNA replication is clearly the fundamental process, and the question is whether also this step could be reduced to a reconnection for a pair flux tubes: first would connect the separated DNA strands and second one free nucleotide and its conjugate.
- Suppose that there are flux tubes connecting nucleotides of DNA and corresponding nucleotides of the conjugate strand: they could be rather short flux tubes of length shorter than 1 nm in the normal situation but could grow longer when DNA strands separate. This might involve a phase transition increasing temporarily the value of Planck constant assignable to these flux tubes and increasing the length of the segment and of connecting flux tube and therefore the distance of DNA strands.
- There are also free DNA nucleotides and their conjugates in the environment which can be used in the replication process as building bricks. If also free nucleotides and their conjugates are connected in a pairwise manner by similar flux tubes and if the value of magnetic flux characterizes a given pair then reconnection could take place for these two kinds of flux tubes and lead to a correct pairing of DNA strand with conjugate nucleotides. Same would happen for the conjugate strand. The reduction of Planck constant would lead to a pair of ordinary DNA double strands.
- The details of the dynamics would be determined by other factors but the outcome would be fixed by the nucleotide-conjugate pairing and dependence of the flux on the nucleotide pair. In particular, conservation of magnetic flux would guarantee that the nucleotides can be assigned only with their conjugates.
These arguments suggest that reconnection of magnetic flux tubes, temporary change of the Planck constant, and coding of nucleotide-conjugate pairs by magnetic flux could be key element of meiosis, mitosis, and reshuffling of chromosomes in meiosis. Also higher level processes - such as cell division and fertilization - could involve reconnection process as a fundamental step. These mechanisms would appear in several length scales corresponding to DNA, nucleus, and cell length scale. In an approach based on mere chemistry, this must be assumed as a result of reaction kinetics.
For background see also the chapter Quantum Mind, Magnetic Body, and Biological Body.