Algebraic Brahman=Atman Identity and Algebraic HolographyThe TGD based view about how fermions and bosons serve as correlates of cognition and intentionality emerges from the notion of infinite primes (see this and this), which was actually the first genuinely new mathematical idea inspired by TGD inspired consciousness theorizing. Infinite primes, integers, and rationals have a precise number theoretic anatomy. For instance, the simplest infinite primes corresponds to the numbers P+/-= X+/- 1, where X=∏kpk is the product of all finite primes. Indeed, P+/-mod p=1 holds true for all finite primes. The construction of infinite primes at the first level of the hierarchy is structurally analogous to the quantization of super-symmetric arithmetic quantum field theory with finite primes playing the role of momenta associated with fermions and bosons. Also the counterparts of bound states emerge. This process can be iterated: at the second level the product of infinite primes constructed at the first level replaces X and so on. The structural similarity with repeatedly second quantized quantum field theory suggests that physics might in some sense reduce to a number theory for infinite rationals M/N and that second quantization could be followed by further quantizations. As a matter fact, the hierarchy of space-time sheets could realize this endless second quantization geometrically and have also a direct connection with the hierarchy of logics labelled by their order. This could have rather breathtaking implications.
Therefore quantum jumps would correspond to changes in the anatomy of the space-time points. Imbedding space would be experiencing genuine number theoretical evolution. Physics would reduce to the anatomy of numbers. All mathematical notions which are more than mere human inventions would be imbeddable to the Platonia realized as the number theoretical anatomies of single imbedding space point. This picture give also a justification for the decomposition of WCW to a union of WCW:s associated with imbedding spaces with preferred point (tip of the lightcone and point of CP2 fixing U(2) subgroup as isotropy group). Given point of space-time would provide representation for the spinors fields in WCW associated with the future and/or past light-cone at this point. The "big bang" singularity would code all the information about the quantum state of this particular sub-universe in its number theoretical anatomy. Interestingly, this picture can be deduced by taking into extreme quantum-classical correspondence and by requiring that both configuration space and configuration space spinor fields have not only space-time correlates but representation at the level of space-time: the only reasonable identification is in terms of algebraic structure of space-time point. To summarize my own feelings: I strongly feel that number theoretic Brahman=Atman, or number theoretic holography if you prefer western terms, is the deepest idea which I have become conscious of during these 28 years of TGD. See the chapter Intentionality, Cognition, and Physics as Number theory or Space-Time Point as Platonia . For a brief summary of quantum TGD inspired theory of consciousness see the article TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness. |