Artificial Intelligence, Natural Intelligence, and TGDRecently a humanoid robot known as Sophia has gained a lot of attention in net (see the article by Ben Goertzel, Eddie Monroe, Julia Moss, David Hanson and Gino Yu titled with title " Loving AI: Humanoid Robots as Agents of Human Consciousness Expansion (summary of early research progress)" . Sophia uses AI, visual data processing, and facial recognition. Sophia imitates human gestures and facial expressions and is able to answer questions and make simple conversations on predefined topics. The AI program used analyzes conversations, extracts data, and uses it to improve responses in the future. To a skeptic Sophia looks like a highly advanced version of ELIZA. Personally I am rather skeptic view about strong AI relying on a mechanistic view about intelligence. This leads to transhumanism and notions such as mind uploading. It is however good to air out one's thinking sometimes. Computers should have a description also in the quantal Universe of TGD and this forces to look more precisely about the idealizations of AI. This process led to a change of my attitudes. The fusion of human consciousness and presumably rather primitive computer consciousness but correlating with the program running in it might be possible in TGD Universe, and TGD inspired quantum biology and the recent ideas about prebiotic systems provide rather concrete ideas in attempts to realize this fusion. TGD also strongly suggests that there is also what might be called Natural Intelligence relying on 2-D cognitive representations defined by networks consisting of nodes (neurons) and flux tubes (axons with nerve pulse patters) connecting them rather than linear 1-D representation used by AI. The topological dynamics of these networks has Boolean dynamics of computer programs as a projection but is much more general and could allow to represent objects of perceptive field and number theoretic cognition. See the chapter Artificial Intelligence, Natural Intelligence, and TGD or the article with the same title. |