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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Holography.cmap, HOLOGRAPHY 5. What about string world sheets at which the solutions of Kahler- Dirac equation with well-defined em charge are localized? a) Are both partonic 2-surfaces with tangent space data and string world sheets needed? b) Could string world sheets cha- racterize the tangent space data at partonic 2-surfaces? c) Could string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces with appro-- priate tangent spaced data pro- vide dual descriptions. In other words: do these data fix the spa- ce-time surface apart from possib- le gauge degeneracy., Both interpretations of GCI correct: a) Strong form of GCI: the identifications are equivalent. The parto- nic 2-surfaces at the ends of CD defined by the intersections of these 3-surfaces plus their 4-D tangent space data code for quantum physics. b) Strong form of GCI implies strong form of holography. Effective 2-dimensionality. which inspires questions a) Could effective 2-dimen- sionality allow to express conserved quantities as in- tegrals over partonic 2-sur- faces at one end of CD. b) Or could they even re- duce to integrals of fermi- onic charge densities over strings at the ends of CD as quantum classical oor- respondence suggests. c) String tension in string models essentially 1/hbar*G. In TGD n/R^2. R CP_2 scale. hbar dependence disappears and n is dimen- sionless constant which TGD in principle predicts., HOLOGRAPHY 2. Holography in TGD: a) Implied by General Coordinate Invari- ance (GCI) assigning to space-like 3-surfaces at the ends of causal diamond (CD) more or less unique space-time surface as preferred extremal of Kähler action whose value de- fines Kähler function. 3-surfaces related by general coordinate transformation equiva- lent physically. b) Alternative form of GCI: 3-surfaces identified as light- like orbits of worm- hole throats connect- ing the ends of CD defi- ne preferred 3-surfaces in WCW. Which identifi- cation is correct?, HOLOGRAPHY 1. Background: a) t'Hooft proposed that planar gauge theory dia- grams sum up to some- thing assignable to string world sheet. Strong and weak coupling related by holography. b) Susskind proposed holography in quantum gravity. Somehow black- hole horizon codes for the physics inside black- hole. c) Maldacena proposed AdS/CFT duality rela- ting conformally invari- ant QFT in conformally compactified Minkowski space to string model in higher dimensional space-time AdS., HOLOGRAPHY 4. Holography inspires some conjectures. a) For preferred extremals of Kähler action the j.A contribution to the action vanishes so that the action reduces to 3-D boundary terms at the ends of CD and at the light-like orbits of wormhole throats (3-sur- faces at which the signatu- re of induced metric chan- ges from Euclidian to Min- kowskian). b) If weak form of elec- tric magnetic duality holds true then Kähler ac- tion reduces to Chern-Si- mons terms and the idea about TGD as almost to- pological QFT would be realized. c) Could effective 2-dimen- sionality allow to express conserved quantities as integrals over partonic 2-surfaces or could they even reduce to integrals of fermionic charge densities over strings at the ends of CD as quantum classical correspondence suggests., HOLOGRAPHY 3. Both interpretations of GCI correct: a) Strong form of GCI: the identifications are equivalent. The parto- nic 2-surfaces at the ends of CD defined by the intersections of these 3-surfaces plus their 4-D tangent space data code for quantum physics. b) Strong form of GCI implies strong form of holography. Effective 2-dimensionality.