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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Biophotons.cmap, BIOPHOTONS 2. TGD view about bio-pho- tons: a) Relies on the hierarchy of Planck constants h_eff= n×h labelling the levels of dark matter hierarchy. b) Biophotons are identified as decay products of dark photons transforming to or- dinary photons in energy conserving matter. Dark pho- tons have wavelength sca- led up by n=h_eff/h and give rise to quantum coherence in long length scales. c) EEG photons correspond to dark photons with ener- gies of visible photons so that the value of n is rather large- about 10^(13)) as ratio of corresponding frequencies (E= h_eff×f). This means coherence in scale of Earth. The interpretation is that dark EEG photons medi- ate communications to and control by magnetic body., BIOPHOTONS 1. Background: a) Gurwitsch discovered biophotons almost centu- ry ago as "mitogentic ra- diation". Skeptics still refuse to accept the notion. b) The name of Popp is usually associated with biophotons. c) Biophotons are emitted by living tissues and ap- pear at visible and UV frequencies with intensity in range 1.1 attowatts to 100 attowats (1-1000 photons per cm^2 per second). d) The chemi-excitation via oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species and/or catalysis by enzy- mes is proposed to be associated with the emis- sion of biophotons. e) Biophoton emission correlates with EEG. f) There is evidence that bio-photons are involved with intercellular commumi- cations, BIOPHOTONS 4. One can imagine several mechanisms of dark photon emission. a) Microtubuli could act as quantum antennas with varying length emitting frequency modu- lated dark photons. b) Cell membrane could emit Josephson radiation with large h_eff (E= ZeV/h_eff) with photon energy just above the thermal energy in physio- logical temperature range. c) Cyclotron Bose-Ein- stein condensates could emit cyclotron radiation. d) The phase transition reducing h_eff by power of 2^k and increasing p-adic prime by about 2^k would leave the scale of system unchanged but reduce magnetic field strength and induce emissi- on of radiation at frequen- cies near to cyclotron fre- quencies of biologically im- portant ions. Emitted radia- tion is coherent without fur- ther assumptions. e) The effects of irradiation on vertebrate brain at harmonics of cyclotron fre- quencies in B_end=.2 Gauss cold be understood as being due to either mechanism., BIOPHOTONS 2. The connection with quan- tum gravity. a) The gigantic gravimag- netic thomson field claimed by Tajmaer et al can be understood if gravitational Planck constat h_gr= GMm/v_0 equals to h_eff at least in elementary par- ticle and atomic length sca- les the predicted values are same as guaranteeing that EEG dark photons have e- nergies in visible and UV range. b) This spectrum is uni- versal and in the range of molecular excitation ener- gies, which suggests obvio- us interaction mechanism between magnetic body and biohemisty. c) ATP synthase is good candidate for a system ge- nerating dark phase and parameter v_0 corresponds now to rotation velocity of ATP synthase motor yield- ing ATP from ADP. One can generalize h_gr to h_em the the estimate for h_em is consistent with the value of h_gr. d) Quite generally, charge separation in living systems is expected to generate lar- ge value of h_em. Pollack's exclusion zones would be an example of this., BIOPHOTONS 3. Biophotons and magnetic body: a) Biophotons would be kind of dissipative leakage becoming high when the emission of dark photons is intensive or some part of organism suffers damage. b) TGD suggets fractal hie- rarchy of analogs of EEGs due to the fractal onionlike structure of magnetic body. c) Analog of biophoton emission at IR energy range corresponding to membrane potential is suggestive. d) Dark photons could be in- volved with the mechanism of attention and sense of pre- sence at molecular level reali- zed in terms of cyclotron ra- diation and touching of mag- netic body parts with same magnetic field strength and thus same cyclotron frequen- cy for given ion. e) Cyclotron frequencies asso- ciated with the magnetic body part would define kind of pass- word and bio-signature. The model of EEG relies on this as- sumption.