Brief summary of some basic ideas of TGD
Recent view of classical TGD
The failure of the minimal surface property at singularities
How to handle the interfaces between Minkowskian and Euclidean regions of space-time?
About the QFT limit of TGD
About the identification of gravitons in the TGD Universe
Graviton as a fermion antifermion pair?
About the physical interpretation of the trace of the second fundamental form
Exotic differential structures in 4 dimensions, particle vertices, and the new view of gravitons
How could modified Dirac action determine the scattering amplitudes?
More about the singularities
About symmetry between gravitational and gauge interactions
Could TGD allow the detection of gravitons?
Is the detection of gravitons possible in FQHE type systems?
What about dark protons at the monopole flux tubes and half-monopole flux tubes?