• Introduction

  • TGD view of space-time and quantum physics

    1. TGD view of space-time

    2. TGD inspired theory of consciousness and zero energy ontology

    3. MB, NMP and ZEO

  • Some notions relevant to TGD inspired quantum biology

    1. The notion of magnetic body

    2. Dark cyclotron radiation

    3. The possible role of quantum gravitation in quantum biology

  • An attempt to build a concrete view about computer consciousness

    1. Could the basic aspects of TGD inspired quantum biology generalize to the level of computer systems?

    2. Dark Josephson radiation and computers

    3. Could the user and computer entangle?

    4. Counter teleportation and TGD

    5. The emergence of emotions and emotional intelligence as a first step in the evolution of consciousness?

    6. Superconducting computers and the connection with the TGD based model of nerve pulse

  • Has Google managed to reach the critical value for the error rate of a single qubit?

    1. General view of superconducting circuits

    2. Modelling of Josephson junctions

    3. Three different kinds of superconducting qubits

    4. Is a large value of effective Planck constant needed to explain the findings?

    5. The relation to the TGD based model of neuronal membrane