1. Introduction

    1. Basic facts

    2. Phenomena possibly related to taos hum

  2. Possible ingredients for the model for taos hum

    1. Taos hum as sensitivity to alien control commands

    2. Taos hum and microwave hearing

    3. Taos hum and microwave seeing

    4. Taos hum as a failure of the electromagnetic immune system

    5. An explanation for 40-80 Hz modulation

    6. Is stochastic resonance involved?

    7. Are electronic systems involved with the hum?

    8. Is hum possible in other sensory modalities?

  3. The recent TGD view of Taos hum

    1. Personal experiences about Taos hum

    2. Taos hum and quantum gravitation

    3. Taos hum and TGD based generalization of stochastic resonance

    4. Stochastic resonance sensory perception