Basic facts about spin glasses as complex systems
Aging and rejuvenation in spin glasses
Standard models of spin glass
The TGD based view about spin glasses
TGD very briefly
WCW picture
Number theoretical physics
Zero energy ontology
Basic TGD inspired ideas about spin glasses
What does Jij correspond to at fundamental level
Direct empirical support for the presence of flux tubes
Why two critical temperatures?
Why the magnetization of the spin glass depends on the cooling procedure?
The relaxation dynamics of spin glasses from TGD point of view
Aging, rejuvenation and memory for spin glasses
Could the replica trick be replaced by p-adic thermodynamics?
Replica trick
The hierarchical structure of the energy landscape from the TGD point of view
Could spin glass ultrametricity correspond to p-adic ultrametricity?
Basic ideas of p-adic thermodynamics
Can time evolution of spin glass correspond to scaling?