3 basic realizations of the genetic code
3 models of bioharmony
About the geometric interpretation of icosahedral and other symmetries
Interactions between various levels
The independence of the interaction energy on frequency
The independence of cyclotron energy on frequency and Nottale hypothesis
About the details of the genetic code based on bio-harmony
Why 3 icosahedral harmonies and 1 tetrahedral harmony?
Could stop codons correspond to dissonant 3-chords?
How could the representations of genetic code as dark 3-chords and nucleotide triplets relate?
How to compose beautiful music of light in bio-harmony?
About bio-harmonies
How to produce beautiful bio-music?
Is genetic code part of fundamental physics in TGD framework?
3 basic realizations of the genetic code
Genetic code and hyperbolic tesselations
Galois groups and genetic code
Could the symmetries of icosa-tetrahedral realization of the genetic code correspond to Galois symmetries?
Galois groups and genetic code
Could the symmetries of icosa-tetrahedral realization of the genetic code correspond to Galois symmetries?
MeshCODE theory from TGD point of view
Some basic facts
Could adhesion structures act as classical computers?
TGD interpretation of adhesion units as quantal force sensors
An application to memory and learning
Appendix: Tables of basic 3-chords for the icosahedral harmonies with symmetries