1. Introduction

    1. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and astrophysics

    2. Quantum criticality, hierarchy of dark matters, and dynamical hbar

    3. Dark matter as a source of long range color and electro-weak fields

  2. p-Adic length scale hypothesis at astrophysical and cosmological length scales

    1. List of long p-adic length scales

    2. p-Adic evolution of cosmological constant

    3. Evidence for a new length scale in cosmology

  3. Solar magnetic fields and Sunspot cycle

    1. Sunspot cycle

    2. Sunspots as helical vortices

    3. A model for the Sunspot cycle

    4. Helical vortex as a model for a magnetic flux tube

    5. Estimates for the vacuum parameters of magnetic flux tube

  • TGD based model for the solar magnetic field, solar cycle, and gamma ray emission

    1. Solar surprise: looking sunspots again after decades

    2. How the magnetic fields of galaxies and stars are generated?

    3. A model of solar magnetic field in terms of monopole flux tubes

    4. Are wormhole magnetic fields really needed?

    5. How to understand the solar cycle?

    6. Trying to understand solar gamma ray spectrum in TGD Universe

    7. Surprises in the physics at the boundary of the heliosphere

    8. About general implications of the pairing hypothesis

  • Explanation for the high temperature of solar corona

    1. Topological model for the magnetic field of Sun

    2. Quantitative formulation

  • Explanations of some astrophysical and cosmological anomalies

    1. Apparent shrinking of solar system

    2. In what sense speed of light could be changing in solar system?

    3. Pioneer anomaly

    4. Flyby anomaly

    5. Pioneer and Flyby anomalies for almost decade later

    6. Further progress in the understanding of dark matter and energy in TGD framework

    7. Variation Of Newston's Constant And Of Length Of Day

    8. The new findings about the structure of Milky from TGD viewpoint

    9. Is Dragonfly a "failed" galaxy?

    10. TGD interpretation for the new discovery about galactic dark matter

    11. Bullet cluster, cold dark matter, and MOND

    12. TGD view about universal galactic rotation curves for spiral galaxies

    13. Further problems of the halo model of dark matter

    14. Large scale fluctuations in metagalactic ionizing background for redhsift six

  • Do we really understand the solar system?

    1. Motivations

    2. A model for the motion of comet in the gravitational field of flux tube

    3. A model for the precession of the solar system in the gravitational field of flux tube

    4. Cosmic evolution as transformation of dark energy to matter

    5. The origin of cosmic rays

  • A quantum model for the formation of astrophysical structures and dark matter

    1. Model for planetary orbits without v0→ v0/5 scaling

    2. The interpretation of the parameter v0

    3. The interpretation of hbargr and pre-planetary period

    4. Inclinations for the planetary orbits and the quantum evolution of the planetary system

    5. Eccentricities and comets

    6. Why the quantum coherent dark matter is not visible?

    7. How do the magnetic flux tube structures and quantum gravitational bound states relate?

    8. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and v0--> v0/5 transition at inner-outer border for planetary system

    9. About the interpretation of the parameter v0

    10. The challenge of six planets

  • About the physical interpretation of the velocity parameter in the formula for the gravitational Planck constant

    1. Formula for the gravitational Planck constant and some background

    2. A formula for β0 from ZEO

    3. Testing the model in the case of Sun and Earth

    4. Under what conditions the models for dark and ordinary Bohr orbits are consistent with each other?

    5. How could Planck length be actually equal to much larger CP2 radius?!

    6. Is the hierarchy of Planck constants behind the reported variation of Newton's constant?

    7. Could Podkletnov effect be understood using hgr=heff hypothesis?

    8. The Challenge Of Six Planets

  • Further indications for dark matter

    1. Some anomalies

    2. Anti-matter and dark matter

  • Explanations of some astrophysical and cosmological anomalies

    1. Apparent shrinking of solar system

    2. In what sense speed of light could be changing in solar system?

    3. Pioneer anomaly

    4. Pioneer and Flyby anomalies for almost decade later

    5. Further progress in the understanding of dark matter and energy in TGD framework

    6. Variation of Newston's constant and of length of day

    7. The new findings about the structure of Milky from TGD viewpoint

    8. Is Dragonfly a "failed" galaxy?

    9. TGD interpretation for the new discovery about galactic dark matter

    10. Bullet cluster, cold dark matter, and MOND

  • Appendix: Orbital radii of exo-planets as a test for the theory