TGD based view about dark matter
The identification of long range classical weak gauge fields as correlates for dark massless weak bosons
New effects related to the new space-time concept
Some gravitational anomalies
Anomalies related to Z0 force in astrophysical length scales
Anomalies related to rotating systems
The new view about inertial and gravitational energy
Two manners to circumvent the infinite vacuum energy
Zero energy vacuum is matter-antimatter asymmetric
Creation of matter from vacuum by annihilation of laser waves and their phase conjugates?
Re-interpretation of TGD inspired cosmology
Some gravitational anomalies
Anomalous time dilation effects due to warping as basic distinction between TGD and GRT
Anomalies related to spinning astrophysical objects
Is electro-gravity possible in TGD framework?
Classical gravitational fields for space-time surfaces for which CP2 projection corresponds to
a homologically non-trivial geodesic sphere
TGD does not predict anomalously large coupling of gravitation to classical gauge fields
Gravito-Maxwell field associated with a dipole field
Allais effect and TGD
Could gravitational screening explain Allais effect
Allais effect as evidence for large values of gravitational Planck constant?
Could Z0 force be present?
Dark Z0 force in astrophysical length scales
The regularities in radio active decay rates linked to astrophysical cycles
Torsion fields or Z0 fields?
How to test the presence of the Z0 force in micrometer-millimeter length scale range?
Scaling law for dark Z0 charges
How to directly test the presence of classical Z0 force?
Appendix: Allais effect as manifestation of classical Z0 force?
Screening of dark Z0 MEs emitted by Sun as an explanation of Allais effect?
Quantitative picture