TGD view about the generation of turbulence
The problems of the existing theories of turbulence
Superflow as a starting point
The effective gauge potential as K\"ahler gauge potential
Description in terms of monopole- and non-monopole flux tubes
Description in terms of monopole- and non-monopole flux tubes
The TGD view about the flow near boundaries and the generation of turbulence and its decay
Some examples about universality
Breaking of the circulation theorem of Kelvin
Are the hydrodynamic quantum analogs much more than analogs?
Summary of the experiments
TGD based view
Trying to understand viscosity and critical Reynolds numbers
The notion of viscosity
Critical Reynolds numbers
Laminar-turbulent transition as a quantum phase transition?
Nottale hypothesis and turbulence
Trying to understand kinematic viscosity
Also the notions of ℏem and ℏZ make sense
Why airplanes do not fall down?
Some Background
Some TGD inspired quantum hydrodynamics
What prevents airplanes from falling down?
QHD in nuclear physics and hadron physics
Cold fusion, nuclear tunnelling, ℏeff, and BSFRs
QHD and hadron physics
Comparison of TGD with other theories
Brief glossary of the basic concepts of TGD