From O-H duality to M8-H duality to O-H duality: the history of the term "M8-H-duality"
What could be the hard core of the M8-H duality shared by O-H duality?
The two interpretations of M8-H duality
The interpretation of O-H duality as a generalization of momentum-position duality
The interpretation inspired by the twistor Grassmannian approach
Why should M8_c-H duality be replaced with O-H duality?
The problems of the realization of holography using octonionic polynomials P(o)
O-H duality as a simpler version of M8-H duality
O-H duality for the fermion fields
About the interpretation of Galois confinement and number-theoretic discretization
Criticizing the zero-energy ontology
Problems related to Poincare invariance
Does the Hamilton-Jacobi and Kähler structures require a loss of Poincare invariance at the fundamental level?
The realization of Poincare invariance in the space of CDs