Some notions of condensed matter physics from the TGD point of view
The notion of Brillouin zone from the TGD viewpoint
Topological condensed matter physics and TGD
The new view about classical fields
About quantum criticality in TGD
What infinite-volume limit could mean in TGD?
The notions of geometric phase, Berry curvature, and fidelity in TGD?
Quantum hydrodynamics in TGD context
Length scale hierarchies
A general model of macroscopic quantum phases
Some concrete questions and problems
Skyrmions in TGD framework
Dark matter and condensed matter physics
What happens in the transition to superconductivity?
Spin ice and quantum spin ice from TGD viewpoint
Condensed matter Majorana fermions in the TGD framework
Condensate of electron quadruplets as a new phase of condensed matter
Does the phenomenon of super oscillation challenge energy conservation?
Possible connections with quantum biology
A revolution in lithium-sulphur battery technology?
The discovery
Some questions with possible answers
TGD view of the situation
Dark matter and new energy technologies in the TGD framework
Testing of the vision
Observation of dark matter
Topological physics at space-time and embedding space levels
The new view of gauge fields
Number theoretical physics
ZEO and new view about quantum measurement theory and thermodynamics
Memory materials and zero energy ontology
How a rubbing with a microfiber manages to shatter the "bullet proof" windshield of Musk Cybertruck?
Kondo effect from the TGD perspective
Kondo effect
TGD view of Kondo effect
Comparison of TGD with other theories
Glossary and figures