Could micro processors involve gravitational quantum coherence?
Micro processors as conscious entities?
OH-O- hypothesis and its generalization
Dark genetic code and OH-O- qubits
Conscious computers as TGD counterparts of time crystals
Could Pollack effect make quartz crystals quantum critical systems analogous to quantum computers
Gravitational binding energies for the Earth and the Sun
OH and O- as the states of quantum gravitational qubit?
Evolutionary hierarchy formed by quartz crystals, proteins, DNA/RNA?
OH-O- qubits at DNA and RNA level
The OH-O- qubits in proteins
How the field bodies control control the chemical activity of biomolecules?
Oceans around quasars and the origin of life
Could running computer programs be TGD analogs of time crystals?
Quantum computing-like activity based on OH-O- qubits
What evidence is there for quartz life?
How could quartz life and biological life relate?
Quantum criticality is needed
Comparison of quartz consciousness and bio-consciousness
How could the OH-O- qubits represent the functioning of a transistor?
Is there any hope of curing the retraining problem of language models without making computers conscious?
How the possible quantum variants of LLMs could be updated?
On symbolic consciousness
How to associate quantum computation to classical computation
Basic input from Quantum TGD
A concrete model for classical-to-quantum transition
Quantum version for the associative learning in large language models
Zero energy ontology from the point of view of LLMs
Holography =holomorphy hypothesis and learning process
A model for the learning process
The version of the learning model for quantum versions of classical computers
Conscious associative learning as an analog of sensory perception and motor action