1. Introduction

  2. About the TGD counterpart of the inflationary cosmology

    1. Some basic notions of TGD

    2. The TGD view of primordial cosmology

  3. Some important findings related to cosmology

    1. Which came first: primordial supermassive blackhole or galaxies? Or was it something else?

    2. Why the dark energy density is inversely proportional to the surface area of the volume studied?

    3. Direct evidence for the TGD view of quasars

    4. Evidence for cosmic strings from weak lensing

    5. A TGD based resolution of the clumpiness paradox and resolution of the tension between neutrino mass scale deduced from neutrino mixing and from gravitational lensing

    6. The connection of missing baryon number problem with the TGD view of evolution

    7. Are blackholes really what we believe them to be?

    8. From blackholes to time reversed blackholes: comparing the views of time evolution provided by general relativity and TGD

  4. The planet that should not exist

    1. TGD view of formation of planets

    2. How could stars form in the TGD Universe?

    3. Are the abundances of elements independent of cosmic time?

  5. Could the TGD view of galactic dark matter make same predictions as MOND?

    1. Basic fiends of Chae

    2. TGD view of the findings

    3. A new contribution to the crisis of cosmology

  6. Are planets and stars quantum gravitational harmonic oscillators?

    1. Could planets and stars have a layered structure in the TGD Universe?

    2. Nottale's model for solar and planetary interiors as gravitational harmonic oscillators

    3. Application of the oscillator model to solar system

  7. Cosmic strings and spiral galaxies

    1. A simple TGD based model for a spiral galaxy

    2. Blackhole-like object as a gravitational harmonic oscillator?