Articles about TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness and Quantum Biology (2008-)
The list gives examples of the work in TGD inspired quantum biology carried out since 2002: articles are in form of pdf files. My hope that they could give intuitive overall view about the recent situation in TGD. Newest articles are at the top and left.
Topological Geometrodynamics: Three Visions
TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness
About the Nature of Time
TGD Inspired Quantum Model of Living
DNA as Topological Quantum Computer
Evolution in Many-Sheeted Space-Time
A Model for Protein Folding and Bio-catalysis
The Notion of Wave-Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer
Quantum Model for Nerve Pulse and EEG
Water Memory and the Realization of Genetic Code at Elementary Particle Level
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Matti Pitk�nen