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TGD as a Generalized Number Theory: Part II

Note: Newest contributions are at the top!

Year 2025

p-Adic length scale hypothesis and Mandelbrot fractals(24.3. 2025).

Witt vectors and Witt polynomials and the representation of generalized p-adic numbers as space-time surfaces(21.3. 2025).

Holography= holomorphy hypothesis, small primes viz. large p-adic primes and p-adic length scale hypothesis(15.3. 2025).

A more detailed view about the TGD counterpart of Langlands correspondence(15.3. 2025).

Gödel,Lawvere and TGD(23.2. 2025).

Year 2024

How to assign ordinary Galois groups and ramified primes to the space-time surfaces in holography=holomorphy vision?(29.11. 2024).

Tegmark and TGD(31.10. 2024).

Space-time surfaces as numbers, Turing and Göodel, and mathematical consciousness(27.10. 2024).

Space-time surfaces as numbers and conscious arithmetics at the fundamental level(22.10. 2024).

Space-time surfaces as numbers viz. Turing and Gödel(7.10. 2024).

Is it really possible to formulate all geometric statements as statements of algebraic geometry(19.9. 2024).

Extension of Langlands geometric duality to trinity involving also physics-geometry correspondence(4.9. 2024).

Master formula for the construction of quantum states using the interpretation of space-time surfaces as numbers(3.9. 2024).

About Langlands correspondence  in the TGD framework(21.8. 2024).

Holography=holomorphy vision in relation to quantum criticality, hierarchy of Planck constants, and M8-H duality(10.6. 2024).

Can one define the analogs of Mandelbrot and Julia sets in TGD framework? (4.4. 2024).

A fresh look at M8-H duality and Poincare invariance(21.2. 2024).

Year 2023

The Notion of Generalized Integer(5.12. 2023).

A comment on M8-H duality in fermion degrees of freedom in relation to Langlands duality(16.10. 2023).

Updated collection of books about TGD(1.9. 2023).

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