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Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time: Part II

Note: Newest contributions are at the top!

Year 2025

An unexpectedly high abundance of oxygen and metals detected in the most distant known galaxy (27.3. 2025).

Dark energy is getting weaker (23.3. 2025).

What makes the mini Big Bangs energetically possible? (20.2. 2025).

Is the TGD based model of the Sun consistent with the standard model? (20.1. 2025).

Martian dichotomy from the TGD point of view (19.1. 2025).

Year 2024

From blackholes to time reversed blackholes: comparing the views of time evolution provided by general relativity and TGD (31.12. 2024).

Is dark energy needed at all? (27.12. 2024).

A new contribution to the crisis of cosmology (3.12. 2024).

Why doesn't Vega have planets? (9.11. 2024).

Blackhole that grew too fast (9.11. 2024).

Could geomagnetic reversals and excursions relate to extinctions and collapses of civilizations? (8.11. 2024).

Why the dark energy density is inversely proportional to the surface area of the volume studied? (17.10. 2024).

A TGD based resolution of the clumpiness paradox and resolution of the tension between neutrino mass scale deduced from neutrino mixing and from gravitational lensing (17.10. 2024).

Why the redshifts of galaxies rotating in opposte directions relative to Milky Way should have different redshifts? (17.9. 2024).

Too much deuterium in cosmic rays and too anti-helium that should not exist (26.8. 2024).

The TGD based model for the formation of planets passes the simplest tests in the case of the Earth (12.8. 2024).

The questions that I should have asked first (12.8. 2024).

Two options for the New Sun in the TGD framework: which option is correct? (4.8. 2024).

A new view of the Sun (30.7. 2024).

Supernovae as explosions of M89 magnetic bubbles? (26.7. 2024).

Some solar mysteries (20.7. 2024).

The mystery of the magnetic field of the Moon (7.7. 2024).

New support for the TGD based explanation for the origin of Moon (28.6. 2024).

Why the electric currents that should accompany magnetic substorms in the magnetotail are missing? (31.5. 2024).

Could the TGD view of galactic dark matter make same predictions as MOND? (30.5. 2024).

Did Moon turn itself inside out (5.5. 2024).

Heliosphere has oblique and rippled structures(29.4. 2024).

How to take into account the gravitational interactions in the cosmic string model of spiral galaxy?(5.4. 2024).

Quantization of blackhole angular momentum as a new piece of support for the TGD based quantum view of blackhole-like objects(30.3. 2024).

A simple model for spiral galaxies(26.3. 2024).

TGD based quantum explanation for the weird properties of Sagittarius A(23.3. 2024).

Direct evidence for the TGD view of quasars(17.3. 2024).

About the problem of two Hubble constants(13.3. 2024).

Herbig Haro objects from the TGD point of view(12.3. 2024).

Are the blackholes really what we believe them to be?(11.3. 2024).

About the TGD counterpart of the inflationary cosmology(7.3. 2024).

The planet that should not exist(3.3. 2024).

Are planets and stars quantum gravitational harmonic oscillators?(25.2. 2024).

Year 2023

Quantitative support for the model of blackhole-like object as flux tube spaghetti(13.12. 2023).

Gravitational hum and the detailed form of M8-H duality(7.11. 2023).

About the identification of the Schrödinger galaxy(25.10. 2023).

Do cosmic strings with large string tension exist?(12.10. 2023).

A finding providing support for the TGD view of galaxy formation(12.10. 2023).

About uniform tessellations of hyperbolic, Euclidean, spherical spaces(9.10. 2023).

Updated collection of books about TGD(1.9. 2023).

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