What's new in Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time: Part II Note: Newest contributions are at the top! |
Year 2025 An unexpectedly high abundance of oxygen and metals detected in the most distant known galaxy (27.3. 2025).Dark energy is getting weaker (23.3. 2025).What makes the mini Big Bangs energetically possible? (20.2. 2025).Is the TGD based model of the Sun consistent with the standard model? (20.1. 2025).Martian dichotomy from the TGD point of view (19.1. 2025). |
Year 2023 Quantitative support for the model of blackhole-like object as flux tube spaghetti(13.12. 2023).Gravitational hum and the detailed form of M8-H duality(7.11. 2023).About the identification of the Schrödinger galaxy(25.10. 2023).Do cosmic strings with large string tension exist?(12.10. 2023).A finding providing support for the TGD view of galaxy formation(12.10. 2023).About uniform tessellations of hyperbolic, Euclidean, spherical spaces(9.10. 2023).Updated collection of books about TGD(1.9. 2023). |