A TGD inspired vodel for solar cycle

In the sequel a TGD based view of the reversal of the solar magnetic field is discussed. Besides the new view of space-time and electromagnetic fields, the proposal involves in a crucial manner zero energy ontology (ZEO) (see this, this and this).

1. The motivating finding

The finding that motivated these comments was the finding of what was called solar heartbeat (see this). Two kinds of quasiperiodic pulsations (QPPs) with periodicities 10-20 s and 30-60 s of microwave emissions during solar flares. These periods are correlated and probably have the same underlying reason. A kind of solar heartbeat is in question. It might be assignable with the reconnection process for the solar magnetic field. The notion of magnetic reconnection is however poorly understood in the standard physics framework: the estimates for the reconnection rate are by 13-15 orders of magnitude too small.

The TGD framework leads to a new view of space-time as a 4-D surface in H=M4× CP2 and also of electromagnetic and other fields. In particular, fields are replaced by topological field quanta identifiable as space-time quanta. One ends up with the notion of a field body, in particular that of a magnetic body (MB) consisting of monopole flux tubes not possible in Maxwell's electrodynamics and flux tubes with boundaries serving as counterparts of Maxwellian magnetic fields.

Could periodic reconnections of closed flux tubes with the shape of a very flat square caused by the transverse oscillations of the flux tubes occurring during solar flares induce the periodic reconnections of flux tubes? Microwave frequencies for dark charged matter at the flux tubes could be due to cyclotron transitions.

What could be the origin of the periodicities of transversal oscillations? I have earlier discussed the 26 second rhythm of Earth analogous to alpha rhythm (see this)/cosmoalpha}. Intriguingly, this period is between the mentioned periods. Could the Earth's alpha rhythm and solar heartbeat relate to each other? This might be considered in the TGD framework if the rhythms are associated with gravitational monopole flux tubes emerging from the Sun and connecting the gravitational magnetic bodies of Earth and Sun to a single quantum coherent entity.

This finding inspired the attempt to understand solar flares in the TGD framework.

2. Basic problems of the existing models of solar flares

The models for the solar flares (see this) have several problems.

  1. The source of the flare's energy is believed to be magnetic but what is the basic mechanism? How the magnetic energy is transformed to the kinetic energy of particles? How accelerations to energies in GeV range and beyond are possible? In the standard framework extreme accelerations would be required.
  2. Reconnection of magnetic field lines is believed to be the basic mechanism but the predicted rate of reconnections is by 13-14 orders of magnitude too small. There might be something fundamentally wrong with the notion of reconnection.
  3. There are also inconsistencies regarding the total number of accelerated particles. Sometimes this number is larger than the total number in the coronal loop. Where could the additional particles come from?
  4. It is not possible to forecast flares.
2.1 The notion of reconnection is questionable

The Maxwellian notion of reconnection can be challenged. Field lines rather than flux tubes which reconnect. Note however that the notion of flux tubes is used in the phenomenology of MHD.

The rate of reconnections based on the Maxwellian picture assumes that the reconnection rate is proportional to the electric field associated with the separatrix at which the reconnection of field lines occurs. The actual reconnection rate for solar flares is by 13-14 orders higher than predicted so that something is badly wrong. The fact that conductivity can vary in huge limits suggests that charges for which conductivity is very high or even superconducting matter might be present.

Could the TGD view of reconnection help? Monopole flux tubes or flux tubes with boundaries as counterparts of Maxwellian magnetic fields carrying currents as dark matter in the TGD sense might provide a more realistic approach and the rate of connection could be estimated from classical dynamics for preferred extremals.

2.2 Is the Maxwellian view of currents and plasma correct?

When the conductivity of charge carriers is effectively infinite, Maxwellian MHD currents are frozen to flux lines. In the TGD framework, the Maxwellian flux tubes having boundaries could carry ordinary ohmic currents. Could dark particles at monopole flux tubes flow like supra current with vanishing resistance? At least these currents could correspond to currents frozen to field lines.

The absence of dissipation for the dark matter at the monopole flux tubes could explain the presence of ultra-energetic particles and the strange finding that solar flare can involve more particles than contained by the flare. The reconnection process gives rise to a pair of U-shaped flux tubes, which are highly curved. Could the dark particles leak out from the flux tubes in the reconnection process and transform to ordinary particles. There would be no gigantic acceleration since the dark particles would already have very high energies.

What about the TGD counterpart of plasma? Does the plasma correspond to the ordinary electrons at flux tubes with boundary or to the dark electrons at the gravitational monopole flux tubes? A possible TGD view of quark gluon plasma (see this) is that sea partons reside at the MB of hadrons and are dark in the TGD sense. Could the dark current carriers be analogous to sea partons? Could ordinary charge carriers with ohmic resistance serve as the analogs of valence quarks?

The answers to these questions requires a TGD based formulation of the basic concepts of plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun.

  1. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) (see this) and plasma physics (see this) must be reconsidered in (see this) in terms of the TGD based view of electromagnetic fields.
  2. The new geometric view of magnetic fields forces a reconsideration of the notions of solar magnetic field and related notion of Parker spiral, coronal loops (see this), current sheets (see this) and this).
  3. The dynamics of the solar magnetic field involves several notions, which must be reformulated in the TGD framework. Sunspot cycle (see this and this) must be understood in the TGD framework. Solar activity is maximum is assignable to the polar reversal of the solar magnetic field. There are many poorly understood phenomena related to the polar reversal such as solar flares (see this) and magnetic reconnections (see this) about which TGD could provide insights. Magnetic reconnection is an especially poorly understood notion: in the standard model the rate for their formation is 13-14 orders of magnitude too low.
3. A TGD based view of the polarity reversal of the solar magnetic field

In the sequel a TGD based view of the reversal of the solar magnetic field is discussed. Besides the new view of space-time and electromagnetic fields, the proposal involves in a crucial manner zero energy ontology (ZEO) (see this, this, and this).

3.1 TGD counterpart of the Maxwellian magnetic field

Flux tubes carrying magnetic fields replace the flux lines of the Maxwellian theory. TGD predicts two kinds of flux tubes: monopole flux tubes with closed cross section and Maxwellian flux tubes with boundary. There is an analogy with the fields H and M of Maxwell's theory.

The Maxwellian part of the magnetic field could correspond to magnetization M having as the TGD counterpart flux tubes with boundary carrying currents generating the fields in the interior of the flux tube. The field H of Maxwell's theory could correspond to monopole flux tubes and could induce magnetization M as Maxwellian part of the magnetic field. Monopole flux tubes and Maxwellian flux tubes could correspond to parallel space-time sheets.

The monopole flux part of the magnetic field differs in several respects from the Maxwellian part.

  1. The magnetic fields at monopole flux tubes require no current to maintain the magnetic field. The presence of monopole flux tubes allows us to understand the existence of magnetic fields in cosmic scales and also the maintenance of the magnetic field of Earth (see this).
  2. Monopole flux tubes would carry charged dark matter characterized by effective Planck constant heff=nh0. Especially interesting flux tubes are gravitational flux tubes with gravitational Planck constant ℏeff= ℏgr = GMm/β0, where β0=v0/c<1 is velocity parameter, and M is large mass of say Sun or Earth and m corresponds to small mass such as electron mass. This notion was introduced first by Nottale.

    The freezing of the charge carriers to the flux lines would have a concrete interpretation. The freezing could occur also for the Maxwellian flux tubes and charge carriers would be at the boundaries of the flux tubes. The large value of heff implies large scale quantum coherence and the monopole flux part of the MB would naturally serve as a "boss" controlling the dynamics at the lower levels of hierarchy. This motivates the interpretation as counterpart for the field H.

  3. Maxwellian parts of the magnetic fields could be generated by currents at the boundaries of the flux tubes if conductivity is very large. The flux tubes would be analogous to current wires. Magnetization M could correspond to the flux tubes with boundary, which carry the currents inducing the magnetic field in the interior. Magnetization would occur for the charged particles at the boundaries of these flux tubes.
  4. The thickening of dark flux tubes is a phase transition liberating magnetic and volume energy and also dark matter if part of it transforms to ordinary matter in the process. Extreme accelerations would not be required since the dark particles forming quantum coherent phases at the flux tubes would have very high energies due to the very low dissipation. This could explain the huge production of energy and anomalously high particle energies.
  5. For the topological counterpart of the reconnection process, field lines are replaced by flux tubes. When a closed flux tube has the shape of a very narrow rectangle, it is critical against reconnection, which could involve the chance of heff. The dark charge carriers leaked out of the flux tubes would have the ordinary value heff=h of the effective Planck constant.
3.2 TGD based model for the solar magnetic field

What can one guess about the structure of the MB consisting of monopole flux tubes (and possibly also sheets)?

  1. Only the Maxwellian magnetic field at QFT limit obtained by replacing many-sheeted space-time with a slightly curved Einsteinian space-time surface with 4-D M4 is directly accessible to the experiments. These fields are known only in the region outside the solar surface. This leaves a lot of freedom.

    A guideline comes from the notion of magnetic bubble (see this) playing a key role in the TGD inspired model for the formation of astrophysical structures as explosive processes. Magnetic bubbles consist of monopole flux tubes at a 2-D surface, such as a sphere. By fractality, one expects that the model should work also in the case of solar flares, which also involve explosions.

  2. The magnetic bubble with ℏeff=ℏgr a spaghetti of monopole flux tubes with a shape of 2-D closed surface. It would be emitted in an explosive process liberating dark matter and energy. Dark matter would be transformed to ordinary matter and liberate energy.

    A good guess is that the solar surface carries this kind of spherical layer consisting of closed monopole flux loops. The inner parts of monopole flux loops would be along the solar surface and fixed with it. The outer parts of the flux loops would extend to outer space and bound the shape of a moon crescent. This shape would be an outcome of centrifugal force which would be compensated by the force due to string tension.

  3. The rotation of the outer parts of the flux tubes is not rigid body motion with a constant angular velocity. The motion is slower than rigid body rotation and this gives rise to a differential rotation in which the angular velocity at the equator is smallest. This affects the shape of the flux tube so that it becomes spiral-like. The lag is largest at the equator.

    String tension of the flux tube opposes this motion and eventually the situation becomes critical for the reconnections when the flux tube portions carrying opposite fluxes and located near the equator are close enough. This reconnection process is associated with the formation of solar spots. This leads to a transformation of the outer part of the flux tube so that it becomes parallel to the solar surface.

    By freezing, the spiral structure for the current sheet should conform with the structure of the magnetic field in the Maxwellian picture obtained at the QFT limit. In TGD, the assumption that currents flow along monopole flux tubes implies this if the Maxwellian flux tubes are parallel to the monopole flux tubes. In this case the freezing would occur for the entire magnetic field.

3.3 A general view of the solar flare as a reconnection process
  1. In TGD the reconnection is replaced with a topological reconnection for monopole flux tubes and their Maxwellian counterparts.
  2. Reconnection at the equatorial current sheet eventually occurs for twisted flux tubes and the outer part of the flux tube decays by emitting small flux loops. Solar flares would accompany this process. Huge magnetic and volume energies could be liberated if the flux tubes are thickened in the phase transition. Twisted flux loops are transformed by the emission of loops to non-twisted dipole loops with strands parallel to the solar surface.

    In this process charged dark particles with very high energies leak out from the flux tubes. No acceleration mechanism is needed. This mechanism could also explain cosmic rays with ultrahigh energies without a need for acceleration mechanisms. Monopole flux tubes can also carry electric fields parallel to them and this could accelerate the charged particles to very high energies since dissipation is absent or very small due to the large value of ℏgr.

  3. This picture allows us to also understand the presence of the current sheet. It would be associated with the Maxwellian part of the magnetic field at equator where the fluxes of neighboring portions of the flux tube are opposite and reconnections occur.

    The Maxwellian flux tubes could be parallel to the monopole flux tubes and the current sheet would be associated with them if Maxwell's equations hold true approximately as they would at the QFT limit of the TGD. This limit is obtained by replacing the sheets of the many-sheeted space-time with single metrically deformed region of M4 such that gravitational field resp. gauge potentials are identified as sums of deviations of induce metric from M4 metric resp. induce gauge potentials.

3.4 How the reconnection process could lead to a reversal of the polarity

How the reconnection process could lead to the reversal of the polarity.

  1. The flip of the polarity of the solar magnetic field occurs when the activity of the Sun is maximum. The direction of the magnetic flux at the long rectangular monopole flux tubes must change.

    Conserved monopole flux however prevents this. One option is that the rectangular flux tube rotates along its axis by /pi and permutes inner and outer parts of the flux tube. This cannot be excluded but does not seem plausible since the inner part of the flux tube is fixed.

    The second option is that the closed flux tubes split by a reconnection process into pieces and the short flux loops should flip and by reconnections fuse back to long flux loops with an opposite direction of magnetic flux.

  2. The question how the monopole flux tubes carrying opposite fluxes could be generated from the short flux tubes produced by the decay process, looks very difficult to answer in the framework of standard quantum physics. Second law forbids this process.

    Could zero energy ontology (ZEO) come to rescue? In ZEO both arrows of time are possible and the arrow of time is changed in ordinary ("big) state function reduction (BSFR) (see this, this and this).

    One has quantum gravitational coherence at the level of gravitational flux tubes. Could BSFR and therefore a time reversal take place at the level of gravitational MB? Could the reconnection of small loops to a long loop in the opposite direction of time somehow correspond to a decay process with a reversed thermodynamic arrow of time. Note that the change of the thermodynamic arrow of time should not be confused with time reflection T as a geometric symmetry.

  3. What happens to the magnetic field B when the thermodynamic arrow of time changes? The Maxwellian part of B changes its sign since it is a curl of vector potential A, having as its source the 3-D current j, which behaves like velocity and changes its sign.

    The monopole flux part of B does not have j as source and for string-like objects X2× Y2 \subset M4× CP2 monopole flux changes sign only if the change of the thermodynamic arrow of time involves a complex conjugation in CP2. It seems that also the induced electric field associated with the deformation of a string-like object changes its sign too in complex conjugation. This means that the charges change sign and therefore also currents. Nothing would happen to B.

    If no complex conjugation occurs for CP2, monopole fluxes are not affected. However, the minimization of the magnetic interaction energy between long Maxwellian flux loops and short monopole flux loops could force the monopole flux loops to flip. The roles of H and M in the magnetization would be permuted: M would change the direction of H.

  4. Could Lazarus effect have an interpretation as a BSFR so that no new CD would be generated? The consistency with the earlier view would require that the arrow of time changes in BSFR but that the moment of the geometric time identified as a correlate of subjective time assigned with the decay process corresponds to the M4 time coordinate for the intersection of the half-cones. If the sub-CDs of CD located in either half-cone of CD co-move with it in its expansion by discrete scalings so that the M4 time associated with their mid points flows, this picture is consistent with that discussed in the latest articles discussing ZEO (see this and this).

    Or could Lazarus effect mean a creation of a new CD as an embedding space correlate for a perceptive field of a conscious entity, self (see this and this)? Ordinary birth could serve as an example of a generation of a new CD.

In the ZEO based interpretation as a BSFR, the interpretation of this process would be as an analog of biological death followed by reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time.
  1. In ZEO, the monopole flux tube pair, which has split into short segments, would be the "corpse" of both the previous gravitational MB and the new MB with an opposite arrow of time. The corpse could be seen as the outcome of two aging processes proceeding with opposite arrows of time from geometric future and past and meeting at the moment of the reconnection process, which corresponds to quantum criticality.
  2. The outsider would see the death and decay process of the gravitational MB and its miraculous reincarnation to MB with opposite magnetic fluxes. This "Lazarus effect" would be something new as compared to the earlier applications of ZEO. The sunspot cycle could be perhaps seen as an analog of the sleep-wakeup cycle.
  3. This picture is very general and living matter provides especially interesting applications since the decay process for the monopole magnetic flux tubes in biological death should induce the decay process of the biochemical structures. Metabolism has two sides: anabolism is the generation of organic molecules carrying metabolic energy taking place in photosynthesis and in the reconstruction of organic molecules from simpler building bricks produced by catabolism liberating metabolic energy and occurring in digestion. Could the anabolism and catabolism be time reversals of each other and reduce to catabolism of monopole flux loops with opposite arrows of thermodynamic time?
  4. This picture might apply also to the model for the flip of the Earth's magnetic field? Magnetic poles wander and this could be understood as a rigid body motion of MB. The polarity flip takes place rather rapidly and could occur BSFR and involve the magnetic catabolism and anabolism of the monopole flux loops. Since the monopole magnetic fields play a central role in the TGD inspired quantum biology, the possible disastrous consequences of this transition challenge the TGD inspired quantum biology.
See the chapter Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: Part II or the article A TGD Inspired Model for Solar Flares.