Could 160 minute oscillation affecting Galaxies and the Solar System correspond to cosmic "alpha rhythm"?Sometimes there is a flood of interesting links in FB. This happened also now after a dry period lasting for months. First came new results related to Aleph anomaly, then new discoveries related to the spin puzzle of proton, and now about finding suggesting an analog of fundamental biorhythm 10 Hz in cosmic scales. The posting in Tallbloke's talkshop titled Evidence for a 160 minute oscillation affecting Galaxies and the Solar System tells about the finding by Valery Kotov that many celestial objects have parameters, which correspond to a fundamental frequency of 160.0101 minutes. There is an overwhelming evidence that a non-local phenomenon is in question. For instance, Earth day is 9 times 160 minutes. The article gives a long list of links to works demonstrating the presence of this period. See for instance Kotov S.V, Kotov V.A., 1997, Astron. Nachr. 318, 121-128. This period occurs in many contexts.
For large values of heff predicted by TGD the energies of the dark cyclotron photons can be above thermal threshold in living matter. This implies that the dark cyclotron radiation can have non-trivial effects on living manner: this kind of effects actually led to the idea about hierarchy of Planck constants. Now it can be deduced from what I call adelic physics. The proposal is that bio-photons covering at least visible and UV range result as dark photons with say EEG frequencies transform to ordinary photons. In TGD inspired biology the cyclotron frequencies defining coordinating rhythms and the recent proposal is that both sensory perception and motor actions and long term memory rely on a universal mechanism based on formation of holograms and their reading using dark cyclotron photon beam as reference beam. Could this mean that this mechanism is used even in galactic and cosmic scales so that life would be everywhere as TGD based theory of consciousness predicts? See the chapter About the Nottale's formula for hgr and the relation between Planck length and CP2 length R or the article Could 160 minute oscillation affecting Galaxies and the Solar System correspond to cosmic "alpha rhythm"?. |