Philosophical ideas behind von Neumann algebras
Von Neumann, Dirac, and Feynman
Von Neumann algebras
Basic definitions
Basic classification of von Neumann algebras
Non-commutative measure theory and non-commutative topologies and geometries
Modular automorphisms
Joint modular structure and sectors
Basic facts about hyper-finite factors of type III
Braid group, von Neumann algebras, quantum TGD, and formation of bound states
Factors of von Neumann algebras
II1 factors and the spinor structure of WCW
About possible space-time correlates for the hierarchy of II1 sub-factors
Could binding energy spectra reflect the hierarchy of effective tensor factor dimensions?
Four-color problem,II1 factors, and anyons
Inclusions of II1 and III1 factors
Basic findings about inclusions
The fundamental construction and Temperley-Lieb algebras
Connection with Dynkin diagrams
Indices for the inclusions of type III1 factors
TGD and hyper-finite factors of type II1: ideas and questions
What kind of hyper-finite factors one can imagine in TGD?
Direct sum of HFFs of type II1as a minimal option
Bott periodicity, its generalization, and dimension D=8 as an inherent property of the hyper-finite II1 factor
The interpretation of Jones inclusions in TGD framework
WCW , space-time, and imbedding space and hyper-finite type II1 factors
Quaternions, octonions, and hyper-finite typeII1 factors
Does the hierarchy of infinite primes relate to the hierarchy of II1 factors?
Could HFFs of type II have application in TGD framework?
Problems associated with the physical interpretation of III1 factors
Quantum measurement theory and HFFs of type III
What could one say about II1 automorphism associated with II∞?
What could be the physical interpretation of two kinds of invariants associated with HFFs type III?
Does the time parameter t represent time translation or scaling?
Could HFFs of type III be associated with the dynamics in M4+/-× CP2?
Could the continuation of braidings to homotopies involve Δit?
HFFs of type $III$ as super-structures providing additional uniqueness?
Appendix: Inclusions of hyper-finite factors of type II1
Jones inclusions
Wassermann's inclusion
Generalization from SU(2) to arbitrary compact group