Some background
How to generalize twistor amplitudes in the TGD framework?
TGD related considerations and ideas
The basic view about ZEO and causal diamonds
Galois confinement
Dow could p-adicization and hyper-finite factors relate?
No loops in TGD
Twistor lift of TGD
Yangian of supersymplectic algebra
M8-H duality and twistorialization of scattering amplitudes
Are holomorphic twistor amplitudes for massive particles possible in TGD?
Is it possible to have twistor holomorphy for massive scalar and fermions?
Scattering amplitudes in a picture based on M8-H duality
Twistor amplitudes using only mass mass shell M8 momenta as internal lines
How can one include the WCW degrees of freedom?
What about the twistorialization in CP2 degrees of freedom?
What about unitarity?
What do we mean with time evolution?
What really occurs in BSFR?
Should unitarity be replaced with the Kähler-like geometry of the fermionic state space?
Critical questions
Western and Eastern ontologies of physics
Connection with the notion of Fisher information
About the relationship of K\"ahler approach to the standard picture
Some useful objections
How the quark momenta in M8 and H relate to each other?
Can one allow "wrong" correlation between color and electroweak quantum numbers for fundamental quarks?
Are M8 spinors as octonionic spinors equivalent with H-spinors?
Can one allow complex quark masses?
Some further comments about the notion of mass
Is pair creation really understood in the twistorial picture?
Antipodal duality and TGD
Findings of Dixon et al
In what sense could electroweak and color interactions be dual?
Antipodal duality and TGD: two years later
How could Julia sets and zeta functions relate to Galois confinement?
The mass spectrum for an iterate of polynomial and chaos theory
A possible generalization of number theoretic approach to analytic functions