Application of the many-sheeted space-time concept in hadron physics
Quark gluon plasma
Breaking of discrete symmetries
Are exotic Super Virasoro representations relevant for hadron physics?
New space-time concept applied to hadrons
A new twist in the spin puzzle of proton
Strange spin asymmetry at RHIC
Topological evaporation and the concept of Pomeron
The incredibly shrinking proton
Misbehaving b-quarks and the magnetic body of proton
Explanation for the soft photon excess in hadron production
Simulating Big Bang in laboratory
Experimental arrangement and findings
TGD based model for the quark-gluon plasma
Further experimental findings and theoretical ideas
Are ordinary black-holes replaced with super-symplectic black-holes in TGD Universe?
Very cautious conclusions
Five years later
Evidence for TGD view about QCD plasma
Breaking of discrete symmetries
Experimental inputs
Discrete symmetries in zero energy ontology
An attempt to build a concrete model for the breaking of discrete symmetries
TGD based explanation for the anomalously large direct CP violation in K→ 2π decay
How to solve the problems in TGD framework
Basic notations and concepts
Separation of short and long distance physics using operator product expansion
Wild speculations about non-perturbative aspects of hadron physics and exotic Super Virasoro representations
Exotic Super-Virasoro representations
Could hadrons correspond to exotic Super-Virasoro representations and quark-gluon plasma to the ordinary ones?
Effective Feynman rules and the effect of top quark mass on the effective action
U and D matrices from the knowledge of top quark mass alone?
Figures and Illustrations