Family replication phenomenon
Family replication phenomenon for bosons
Higher gauge boson families
The physics of M-M* systems forces the identification of vertices as branchings of partonic 2-surfaces
How to describe family replication phenomenon gauge theoretically?
Mapping the Universe using cosmic neutrinos
Anomalous anomalous magnetic moment of muon as breaking of lepton universality
W mass anomaly
Dark matter in TGD Universe
Dark matter and energy in TGD Universe
Shy positrons
Dark matter puzzle
AMS results about dark matter
Neutrinos and TGD
Some background about TGD
Problems related to neutrinos
Scaled variants of quarks and leptons
Fractally scaled up versions of quarks
Toponium at 30.4 GeV
Aleph anomaly just refuses to disappear
Could neutrinos appear in several p-adic mass scales?
Scaled variants of hadron physics and weak bosons
Leptohadron physics
First evidence for M89 hadron physics
Other indications for M89 hadron physics
LHC might have produced new matter: are M89 hadrons in question?
New results from PHENIX concerning quark gluon plasma
Anomalous like sign dimuons at LHC?
Newest indications for dark M89 hadrons
Could MG,79 hadron physics be seen at LHC?
Has IceCube detected neutrinos coming from decays of p-adically scaled up copies of weak bosons?
Some comments about τ-μ anomaly of Higgs decays and anomalies of B meson decays
How the TGD based notion of color differs from QCD color
Basic differences between QCD and TGD
p-Adic physics and strong interactions
Magnetic flux tubes and and strong interactions
Does color confinement really occur?
Exotic pion like states: "infra-red" Regge trajectories or Shnoll effect?
New twist in proton spin puzzle
Still about quark gluon plasma and M89 physics
What QCP should look like?
Unexpected findings
Could criticality of QGP correspond to quantum criticality and dark variant of $M_{89
About parity violation in hadron physics
Timeline for CME
About CME and related effects in QCD framework
CP breaking in TGD Universe
Is the analog of CME possible in TGD?
How the QFT-GRT limit of TGD differs from QFT and GRT?
Phase transition from M107 hadron physics to M89 hadron physics as counterpart for de-confinement phase transition?
What has been found?
Some background about TGD
TGD based model for the enhanced strangeness production
Anomalous J/Ψ production and TGD
Could ordinary nuclei contain dark MG,113 variants of ordinary nucleons?
Cosmic rays and Mersenne primes
Mersenne primes and mass scales
Cosmic strings and cosmic rays
Centauro type events, Cygnus X-3 andM89 hadrons
TGD based explanation of the exotic events
Cosmic ray spectrum and exotic hadrons
Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays as super-symplectic quanta?
Have lepto-quarks been observed in the decays of B mesons?
General ideas
A TGD based model for the B anomaly in terms of lepto-quarks
New indications for the new physics predicted by TGD
Some almost predictions of TGD
Indications for the new physics
Muon surplus in high energy cosmic ray showers as an indication for new hadron physics
Is the new physics really so elementary as believed?