The quantum states of Universe as modes of classical spinor field in the "world of classical worlds"
Definition of Kähler function
Configuration space metric from symmetries
What principle selects the preferred extremals?
How to generalize the construction of configuration space
geometry to take into account the classical non-determinism?
Quantum holography in the sense of quantum gravity theories
How the classical determinism fails in TGD?
The notions of imbedding space, 3-surface, and configuration space
The treatment of non-determinism of Kähler action in zero energy ontology
Category theory and configuration space geometry
Constraints on the configuration space geometry
Configuration space as "the world of classical worlds"
Diff4 invariance and Diff4 degeneracy
Decomposition of the configuration space into a union of symmetric spaces G/H
Identification of Kähler function
Definition of Kähler function
Minkowski space or its future light cone?
The values of Kähler coupling
Absolute minimization or something else?
How to identify the preferred extremals of Kähler action?
Construction of the WCW geometry from symmetry principles
General Coordinate Invariance and generalized quantum gravitational holography
Light like 3-D causal determinants and effective 2-dimensionality
Magic properties of light cone boundary and isometries of configuration space
Symplectic transformations of δM42 as isometries of WCW
Symmetric space property reduces to conformal and symplectic invariance
Attempts to identify WCW Hamiltonians
General expressions for the symplectic and Kähler forms
Ricci flatness and
divergence cancellation
Inner product
from divergence cancellation
Why Ricci
Ricci flatness
and Hyper Kähler property
The conditions
guaranteing Ricci flatness
Is configuration
space metric Hyper Kähler?
Does modified Dirac action define the fundamental action principle?
What are the basic equations of quantum TGD?
Quantum criticality and modified Diract action
Handful of problems with common resolutionK
Representations for
the configuration space γ matrices in terms of super-symplectic charges at light cone boundary
Magnetic flux representation
of the super-symplectic algebra
Quantization of the modified
Dirac action and configuration space geometry
Expressions for super-symplectic
generators in finite measurement resolution
Configuration space geometry and the hierarchy of
inclusions of hyper-finite factors of type II1
generators in finite measurement resolution
How to define Dirac determinant?
General physical picture
General vision about how the eigenmodes of DK can code information about preferred extremal
Dirac determinant as a product of eigenvalues of DK,3
How to define Feynman diagrams?
Generalized Feynman diagrams at fermionic and momentum space level
How to define integration and p-adic Fourier analysis and p-adic counterparts of geometric objects?
Harmonic analysis in WCW as a manner to calculate WCW functional integrals