General view about the construction of scattering amplitudes in TGD framework
General principles behind S-matrix
Classical TGD
Scattering amplitudes in ZEO
The counterpart of the twistor approach in TGD
Could the classical number theoretical dynamics define the hard core of the scattering amplitudes?
General ideas about coupling constant evolution
Do loop contributions to the scattering amplitudes vanish in TGD framework?
Grassmannian approach and TGD
New insights about quantum criticality for twistor lift inspired by analogy with ordinary criticality
Some background
Analogy of the vacuum functional with thermodynamical partition function
Is the proposed picture consistent with twistor lift of Kähler action?
Are space-time surfaces minimal surfaces everywhere except at 2-D interaction vertices?
Still about twistor lift of TGD
Is the negativity of volume energy acceptable?
Is the cosmological constant really understood?
More about the construction of scattering amplitudes in TGD framework
Some background
Does quantum criticality fail at singular surfaces?
Twistors in TGD and connection with Veneziano duality
Scattering amplitudes and orbits of cognitive representations under subgroup of symplectic group respecting the extension of rationals
Zero energy states
The action of symplectic isometries on cognitive representations
Zero energy states and generalization of micro-canonical ensemble
How to construct scattering amplitudes?
Minimal surfaces: comparison of the perspectives of mathematician and physicist
Progress in the understanding of closed minimal surfaces
Minimal surfaces and TGD