1. Introduction

    1. Quantum jump as the basic step of self-organization process

    2. The notion of self

    3. Self as a statistical ensemble

    4. Self organization as quantum level phenomenon

  2. Quantum theory of self organization

    1. Basic characteristics of self-organization

    2. Self-organization as organization of self hierarchies

    3. Dissipation and quantum jumps between quantum histories concept

    4. Co-operativity, long range correlations, zero modes and quantum entanglement

    5. Many-sheeted space-time concept and self-organization

    6. Infinite primes and self-organization

    7. Illness as a failure to self-organize properly?

  3. Haken's theory of self-organization

    1. Haken's theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions

    2. Pattern recognition in Haken's theory

  4. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and quantum TGD

    1. Spin glass analogy

    2. Maxima of the Kähler function as reduced configuration space CH(red)

    3. The concept of quantum average effective space-time

    4. Haken, Thom, Penrose and Hameroff

    5. Classical gravitation and quantum jumps

    6. A quantum model for perception and reaction

    7. Are proteins quantum spin glass type systems?

    8. Cognitive evolution as self-organization of association sequences

    9. Brain as self-organizing quantum spin glass

    10. About the notion of quantum criticality in TGD framework

  5. Could TGD provide justification for Rupert Sheldrake's ideas?

    1. Sheldrake's theory

    2. TGD based interpretation of morphic fields and collective memory

  6. Sheldarake's morphic fields and TGD biew about quantum biology

    1. Habits of Nature

    2. TGD inspired quantum biology

  7. Some considerations relating to the dynamics of quasicrystals

    1. The non-determinism for the dynamics of quasicrystals contra non-determinism of Kähler action

    2. The dynamics of quasicrystals as a model for fundamental dynamics or high level symbolic dynamics?

    3. Could ordered water layers around biomolecules be modelled as quasicrystal like structure?

    4. What could be the variational principle behind self-organization?

    5. Could quasi-lattices and quasi-chrystals could emerge from the notion of p-adic manifold?

  8. Quantum self-organization by heff changing phase transitions

    1. TGD inspired quantum theory of self-organization

    2. Some challenges of quantum theory of self-organization

    3. Applications to TGD inspired quantum biology and consciousness theory