Some applications to condensed matter physics
Liquids, superconductivity and superfluidity
Mysterious Action At Distance Between Liquid Containers
The Behavior Of Superfluids In Gravitational Field
New findings related to high Tc super-conductivity
The mysterious dichloromethane droplet, which refuses to sink in water and begins to spin
Deviations from Maxwell's electrodynamics
Does the Physics Of SmB6 make the fundamental dynamics of TGD directly visible?
Are monopoles found?
Badly behaving photons and space-time as 4-surface
Non-local production of photon pairs as support for heff hierarchy
Thermodynamical surprises
Quantization of thermal conductance and quantum thermodynamics
Deviation from the prediction of standard quantum theory for radiative energy transfer in faraway region
Time crystals, macroscopic quantum coherence, and adelic physics
Some condensed matter anomalies
Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensate at room temperature and heff hierarchy
Quantum scarring from TGD point of view
Three surprising condensed matter findings
Fractons and TGD