1. Introduction

    1. Quantum criticality as a prerequisite for quantum control

    2. p-Adic evolution

    3. Self-hierarchy, quantum self-organization, and dissipation as a Darwinian selector

    4. The prerequisites for macro-temporal quantum coherence

    5. Topological field quantization

    6. Important empirical inputs and overall view

    7. Quantum coordination and control and the hierarchy of MEs, magnetic super conductors, electrets and bio-matter

  2. Bio-systems as macroscopic quantum systems

    1. \# contacts as a macroscopic quantum system?

    2. Do micro-tubuli act as quantum antennae?

    3. Classical Z0 force, neutrinos and chirality selection

    4. Are bio-systems super-conductors?

    5. Are all magnetic transition frequencies important for the understanding of conscious experience?

    6. Massless extremals

  3. Many-sheeted space-time concept and topological aspects of quantum control

    1. How bio-systems might apply the many-sheeted space-time concept?

    2. Particle transfer and re-distribution of gauge fluxes between space-time sheets as a control tool in bio-systems?

    3. Motor control performed by field body

    4. Scaling law of homeopathy and the role of microwaves in homeostasis

    5. Bio-systems as conscious holograms

  4. Quantum tools for bio-control and -coordination

    1. Many-sheeted ionic flow equilibrium as a fundamental control mechanism

    2. Self-hierarchy and hierarchy of weakly coupled super conductors

    3. General mechanism making possible biological clocks and alarm clocks, comparison circuits and novelty detectors

    4. Biological quantum control circuits

    5. A quantitative model for the bio-control performed by \# contact BE condensate

    6. Model for weakly coupled wormhole super conductors

  5. TGD and biochemistry

    1. Macro-temporal quantum coherence and molecular sex

    2. Organic polymers as topological field quanta

    3. Organic molecules as super-conductors

    4. Bio-catalysis and TGD

    5. TGD inspired model for the unwinding and replication of DNA

  6. TGD and morphogenesis

    1. Topological field quantization and vacuum quantum numbers

    2. Vacuum quantum number changing phase transitions and morphogenesis

    3. Vacuum quantum numbers and the size of the organ

    4. Phase transitions changing the values of the vacuum quantum numbers

    5. Biological alarm clocks and morphogenesis

    6. Could vacuum quantum numbers control gene expression via Josephson currents