1. Introduction

    1. The role of quantum gravitation in TGD inspired quantum biology

    2. TGD based view of nerve pulse

  2. Update of the general ideas of TGD inspired quantum biology

    1. Basic motion patterns as analogs of Bohr orbits

    2. Quantum criticality

    3. Excitable systems in zero energy ontology

    4. The notions of magnetic and electric body

    5. The notion of gravitational magnetic body

    6. Gravitational magnetic body and the model of dark DNA

    7. Living systems as analogs of topological quantum computers

  3. Update of the TGD based view of nervous system

    1. The recent TGD based view of nervous system

    2. Clarification of some basic concepts

    3. Gravitationally dark effective ions

    4. About the model for the nerve pulse

    5. Microtubular level

  4. How multicellular without nervous system can behave as if it had a nervous system?

    1. Animals without brain behave as if they had brain

    2. Ciliary flocking and emergent instabilities enable collective agility in a non-neuromuscular animal

    3. The analog of the nervous system at the level of multi-ciliary system

    4. TGD based intepretation of the findings of Prakash et al

    5. Possible implications of the notion of pre-CNS

  5. Are space-time boundaries possible in the TGD framework?

    1. Light-like 3-surfaces from det(g4)=0 condition

    2. Can one allow macroscopic Euclidean space-time regions

    3. But are the normal components of isometry currents finite?

    4. det(g4)=0  condition  as a realization of quantum criticality

  6. Krebs cycle from TGD point of view

    1. Lane's view of the role of Krebs cycle in the emergence of life

  7. Krebs cycle from TGD point of view

    1. Lane's view of the role of Krebs cycle in the emergence of life

    2. TGD view of Krebs cycle and early life

    3. Appendix: A Corrected physical interpretation of the parameter β0

  8. About the mechanism of the energy transfer in photosynthesis

    1. Some facts

    2. The TGD based model

  9. Appendix: Basic facts about cilia and flagella

    1. Structure and function of cilia

    2. Beating waves