quantum phases in many-sheeted space-time
Mind like
space-time sheets as massless extremals
Classical color
and electro-weak fields in macroscopic length scales
Mersenne hypothesis
p-Adic-to-real transitions as transformation of intentions to actions
Updated view about the hierarchy of Planck constants
Basic physical ideas
Space-time correlates for the hierarchy of Planck constants
Basic phenomenological rules of thumb in the new framework
Charge fractionalization and anyons
What about the relationship of gravitational Planck constant to ordinary Planck constant?
Dark matter and living matter
Dark matter and mind: general ideas
Dark matter hierarchy, sensory representations, and motor action
MEs as mes
MEs as absorbing
and emitting quantum antennae
holography and quantum information theory
ionic flow equilibrium controlled by MEs
MEs and quantum
evidence for MEs
Bio-systems as superconductors
General mechanisms for superconductivity
Superconductivity at magnetic flux quanta in astrophysical length scales
Fractal hierarchy of EEGs and ZEGs
TGD assigns 10 Hz biorhythm to electron as an intrinsic frequency scale
Many-sheeted space-time, universal metabolic quanta, and plasmoids as primitive life forms
Evidence for many-sheeted space-time
Laboratory evidence for plasmoids as life forms
Universal metabolic quanta
Life as a symbiosis of plasmoids and biological life
Are the quantum currents through cell membrane direct quantal currents rather than Josephson currents
Connection between laser induced healing, acupuncture, and association of DC currents with the healing of wounds
Quantum model for effective semiconductor property
The effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain
Exotic color and electro-weak interactions
Long range classical weak and color gauge fields as correlates for dark massless weak bosons
Dark color force as a space-time correlate for the strong nuclear force?
How brain could deduce the position and velocity of an object of perceptive field?
Boolean mind and dark neutrinos